Agri Kultuur December / Desember 2015 | Page 50

Isolating Phytophthora primary cause of root rot throughout the biome, many more Phytophthora species are expected to be present. Cape Citizen Science is a project designed to survey Phytophthora species present in the fynbos biome. Citizen science is a term for projects that invite the Phytophthora culture public to participate in research as scientists. The project will offer training for identifying symptoms, controlling and isolating Phytophthora species, while inviting the public to submit samples for further hypothesis driven research about species diversity, population Dying plant in the Fynbos genetics, and their potential effects across the landscape. The project seeks to engage young learners and teach a breadth of knowledge and skills relevant to biology and ecology. Anyone is welcome to participate in all parts of the scientific process, ranging from reporting