Agri Kultuur April / April 2016 | Page 59

the significant threat of global climate change. In short, it appears we are losing the battle to conserve biodiversity largely because we do not have the political willpower to effect the much-needed change. tected Area Expansion Strategy; National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act), all of which are fully aligned to South Africa’s obligations under the international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its associated Aichi Targets. Biodiversity Conservation in the Western Cape South Africa has a history of comparatively good govEnvironmental and biodiversity legislation within the ernance when it comes to biodiverWestern Cape Province have largely Aichi Targets sity conservation. We have a wellbeen deployed via the associated developed suite of environmental environmental and land-use planAt the 10th Climate Change legislation that endorses both envining suite of legislation, and the Conference of the Parties (COP10), it was agreed that the ronmental protection and wise Western Cape Nature Conservation previous biodiversity protection stewardship of our natural reOrdinance No 19 of 1974 and its targets were not achieved. A sources. This legislative policy is associated Regulations, respectivenew, short- term plan was deenshrined in our Constitution ly. While environmental legislation vised (Strategic Plan for Biodi(section 24 [‘Environment’] of the (planning, waste, pollution, etc.) versity 2011-2020), which proBill of Rights) and is evident in our had been modernised and updated vides a set of 20 ambitious yet achievable targets. These are National legislation (Marine Living continuously over the last number collectively called the Aichi TarResources Act; National World Herof years and in alignment with nagets. itage Act; National Environmental tional legislation, the outdated bioManagement Act [NEMA]; National diversity legislation has only recentWater Act, National Environmental Management Act: ly been addressed. The provincial Department of EnviProtected Areas [NEM:PA]; National Environmental ronmental Affairs and Development Planning is currentManagement: Biodiversity Act [NEM:BA]; National Bioly at an advanced stage of formulating a Biodiversity diversity Strategy & Action Plan [NBSAP]; National ProBill that will implement biodiversity planning, regulaGreen design has become an increasingly important tool to make cities more competitive, attractive, liveable and efficient. Photo: Gavin Maneveldt