Agri Kultuur April / April 2016 | Page 65

ecosystems, which in turn underpins sustainable development in the region. IBAs: the Overberg Wheatbelt, the Agulhas PlainHeuningnes Estuary and the De Hoop Nature Reserve. Through the partnership, data will be collected on threatened big birds, their activities and the threats to them. The new website and social media presence will also encourage greater public participation in collecting information on birds such as Blue Cranes, Secretarybirds, Denham’s Bustards, Black Harriers, African Marsh Harriers and other birds. A connection with BirdLasser – an app which allows the public to record sightings – has been included on the OCG website. Bird watchers are also encouraged to report ringed cranes, as well as dead or injured birds. The OCG-OLCT partnership is supported through the OLCT’s Watercourse Restoration Project, funded by the WWF Nedbank Green Trust. The project works to catalyse a watercourse restoration initiative in the Wheatbelt in order to create and conserve corridors linking critically endangered renosterveld remnants. Wetlands and watercourses provide a diverse array of functions that have tremendous human benefit. They also provide corridors or ‘stepping stones’ for animals, birds and plants to move across natural areas, and along river systems. Data collection will also provide valuable input to the OCG’s conservation partners, including BirdLife SA, the Endangered Wildlife Trust, the International Crane Foundation and CapeNature. For more information on the project and the partnership and how to get involved, contact Keir Lynch. Email: [email protected] The OCG works across the entire Overberg. However, BirdLife South Africa has highlighted six Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) in the region. The OCG and OLCT will focus its attention on three of these Web: Facebook: Twitter: @overbergcrane