1401 North C Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
By Jane Wooldridge
VistaComm Journalist
If your business is a cooperative, your bylaws typically require formal
notification for annual meetings—legally, just a statement of date, time
and place. But for no additional cost, and very little effort, you can beef
up the annual meeting notice to make it more interesting and enticing for
members. Here are a few ideas:
• Ask a local high school art class to have a poster design contest for
your annual meeting. Give the winning design a gift certificate to your
c-store. You get a great poster … and you create goodwill with the
community when you publicize the winner of the contest.
• Publicize the meeting on your Facebook page.
• Instead of just putting a notice in your newsletter, write an article
telling members something interesting and different they can expect
at the meeting.
Now, once you have them there, be sure to take photos during your
meeting. Think beyond the typical “crowd photos,” and try to capture shots
of attendees interacting with each other. Then post the best photos on your
Facebook page or Instagram account as a way to continue this interaction
Keep attendees interested
before, during and after your
annual meeting.
For these and other suggestions on how to increase attendance and make your
annual meetings more effective, read the complete story featuring more annual
meeting tips at VistaComm.com/annual-meeting-ideas.