Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
Absence is a foe to love; out of sight out of
Absence is a shrew.
Absence is a shro.
Absence is the enemy of love.
Absence is the enemy of love; as the dis-
tance is from the eyes, so it is from the
Absence is the mother of disillusion.
Absence kills a little love but makes the big
ones grow.
Absence makes the heart forget.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Absence polishes passion, presence
reinforces it.
Absence sharpens love, presence
strengthens it.
Absence, and a friendly neighbor, washeth
away love.
Absent friends get further away every day.
Absent people do not inherit.
Absent, none without blame; present, none
without excuse.
Absentmindedness is searching for the
horse you are riding.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Abstinence and fasting cure many a
Abstinence is the best medicine.
Abundance begets indifference.
Abundance breeds arrogance.
Abundance does not spread; famine does.
Abundance doesn’t know contentment, but
contentment is abundance.
Abundance is from activity.
Abundance maketh poor.
Abundance of law breaks nane.
Abundance of money is a trial for a man.
Abundance of things engenders
Abundance will make cotton pull a stone.
Abundance, like want, ruins many.
Abuse does not invalidate usefulness.
Abuse doesn’t hang on the collar.
Abuse is like a god that destroys his master.
Abuse of hospitality breaks the bridge.
Abuse often starts with praise.
Abuses are the result of seeing one another
too often.
Accident is the mother of invention.
Accidents may happen to anyone.
Accidents will happen (in the best-
regulated families).
Accidents will happen in the best of
Accidents will happen in the best-regulated
Accidents will happen.
Accomplishment of purpose is better than
making a profit.
Accomplishment of purpose is better than
making a profit.
According to his pinions the bird flies.
According to the arm be the bleeding.
According to the custom of Aragon, good
service, bad guerdon.
According to the nature of his sin shall a
man be punished.
Account by the dinar, give charity by the
ass load.
Accumulation of riches brings wisdom.
Accusing the times is but excusing
Aching bones will never kill you.
Ackee lub fat, ocra lub salt
Acknowledgement is half of correction.
Acorns compare their height with each
Acorns were good till bread was found.
Acquaintance without patience is like a
candle with no light.
Acquaintance without patience is like a
candle with no light.
Acquire virtue while you’re young.
Act aggressive and you will be feared.
Act and you shall have dinner. Think and
you shall be dinner.
Act honestly, and answer boldly.
Act in the valley so that you need not fear
those who stand on the hill.
Act like you are an idiot and everyone will
respect you.