Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 733

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Who wants will get. Who wants yoghurt in winter must carry a cow in his pocket. Who wasn't [out] in the sea, didn't pray to God. Who watches not catches not. Who weds a sot to get his cot, will lose the cot and keep the sot. Who weds a widow with three children takes four thieves into his house. Who whisks himself on a Saturday will be punished by God. Who will bell the cat? Who will eat the kernel of the nut must break the shell. Who will in time present pleasure refrain, shall in time to come the more pleasure obtain. Who will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock. Who will not feed the cats, must feed the mice and rats. Who will not hear must be made to feel?. Who will not keep a penny, never shall have many. Who will not when he can, can't when he will. Who wills the end, wills the means. Who wings, drives away care. Who winks to the blind, does work in vain. Who wins first, loses last. Who wishes for a short Lent let him contract debts to be paid at Easter. Who wishes to travel far spares his steed. Who wives for a dower, resigns his own power. Who won't be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock. Who works achieves and who sows reaps. Who works hard alone will gobble alone. Who works hard will feel no hunger. Who works in sweat will eat with appetite. Who would avoid all strife, should be a bachelor. Who would be rich, must keep his soul under cover of his cash-box. Who would be young in age, must in youth 732 be sage. Who would have many friends let him test but few. Who would make money must begin by spending it. Who would not have feet set on his neck, let him not stoop. Who would regard all things complacently must wick at a great many. Who would win, must learn to bear. Who would wish to be valued must make himself scarce. Who wouldn't lick his fingers when they have been dipped in honey? Who writes love letters grows thin; who carries them, fat. Whoever brings finds the door open for him. Whoever brings his wife to every feast will not be lacking for headaches. Whoever buys a house must examine the beams; whoever wants a wife must look at her mother. Whoever buys useless things will soon be selling his necessities. Whoever can protest against a wrong, and does not, will be punished. Whoever can walk on water is probably made of straw. Whoever cannot lie cannot be a matchmaker. Whoever cares to learn will always find a teacher. Whoever crossed the river at the fordable point, knows how deep the river is. Whoever cultivates clay, harvests silk. Whoever depends on his wife's earnings will not succeed. Whoever digs a hole for someone else, will fall in it themselves. Whoever digs a pit for his neighbor should dig it his own size. Whoever does not help himself cannot help others. Whoever does not respect you, insults you.