Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 730

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Who makes his bed on the morrow; goes all day without sorrow. Who makes no promises, has none to perform. Who makes the hundred and not the one, loses the hundred because of that one. Who makes the wolf his companion should carry a dog under his cloak. Who mocks his chains will not be free. Who more busy than they who have least to do? Who more than he is worth doth spend, he makes a rope his life to end. Who moves, picks up, who stands still, dries up. Who neither believes heaven or hell, the devil heartily wishes him well. Who never built a house thinks that the walls grow out of the ground. Who never doubted never half believed. Who offends writes on sand; who is offended, on marble. Who often changes, damages. Who openly admires, will not buy. Who owns the bank owns the fish. Who owns too much, remains unhappy. Who paints me before blackens me behind. Who pardons the bad, injures the good. Who pays a debt creates capital. Who pays beforehand is served behindhand. Who pays in advance eats stinking fish. Who pays soon borrows when he will. Who picks a tool unsuited to a task should not complain if it does no more than cut the hand that holds it. Who pleasure gives shall joy receive. Who poorly supports himself, soon falls. Who pounds the water in the mortar, will get wet with the drops and will end up tired. Who practices with the lame will be able to limp within a year. Who preaches in the desert loses his sermon. Who preaches to the deaf, wastes the sermon. Who promises a lot will regret a lot. 729 Who promises much will give little. Who proves too much proves ingenting. Who proves too much proves nothing. Who punishes one threatens a hundred. Who reaches for the spruce, falls down onto the juniper. Who readily borrows, readily lies. Who receives a gift, sells his liberty. Who receives, should thank; who gives, should be silent. Who reckons without his host must reckon again. Who refuses to submit to justice, must not complain of oppression. Who refuses, muses. Who reminds of an old thing will have his eye picked out. Who reminds of the past and recall what has been will have his ear cut off. Who reminds old, will be deprived of his eye. Who remove stones bruise their fingers. Who repairs not his gutter repairs his whole house. Who resolves problems, doesn't die. Who rewards evil for good, evil shall not depart his house. Who rides a tiger cannot dismount. Who rides first, controls the speed. Who rides slow, must saddle betimes. Who rids himself of his own freedom, always finds himself with worry and pain. Who rises late must trot all day. Who robs commits a sin, who is robbed commits a hundred. Who runs is followed. Who runs more, lacks walking. Who saves, saves for the cat. Who says A must say B. Who says little has little to answer for. Who says the oasis in the desert is happy because of its hidden spring of water?