Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 73

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A turn well done is soon done. A turtle can only get on it by sticking its neck out. A turtle is not proud of his long neck. A turtle makes progress when it sticks its neck out. A turtle never abandons its carriage. A twapenny cat may look at the king. A Tyrone woman will never buy a rabbit without a head for fear it’s a cat. A united family eats from the same plate. A used plough shines, standing water stinks. A useless pitcher does not get broken. A useless watch dog barks but stays far away. A usurer, a miller, a banker, and a publican, are the four evangelists of Lucifer. A vacant mind is open to all suggestions as a hollow building echoes all sounds. A vagabond monk never spoke well of his convent. A vain belief, unprofitable. A vain woman is not worth a nickel. A Vaunter and a Lyar is both one thing. A very jealous person is glad when somebody else cries, and sighs when others laugh. A vessel running agroud has no captain. A vicious dog must be tied short. A village that you can see in a distance do not require a guide. A village united in fraternity is prosperous. A village without elderly is like a tree without roots. A village without elderly is unhappy. A village without the elderly is like a well without water. A viper without fangs is like a piece of rope. A virgin may travel alone at midnight and be safe, and a purse of gold dropped in the road at midday will never be stolen. A virgin’s heart is a dark forest. A virtuous person sleeps well. A visit is like rainwater; you pray for it when it stays away and its a problem 72 when it rains too much. A visitor comes with ten blessings, eats one, and leaves nine. A visitor doesn’t survive from a stick beat of a burglar. A visitor is dew. (A visitor does not stay long.) A visitor left a log of firewood. (a visitor does something which he is remembered afterwards) A visitor usually brings a sharp cutter. A voluntary burthen is no burthen. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men. A waiting appetite kindles many a spite. A wall between increases love. A want of pence stops all your marketing. A wanton eye is the messenger of a lusting heart. A warm fire is better than any delicious food. A warm fire is better than delicious cooked rice. A warm January; a cold May. A warning to the wise is a blessing, to the fool an insult. A warrior dies in battle; a mountain climber on the rocks, but a farmer dies of old age. A warrior does not complain about physical discomfort. A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone. A warrior fights to the death. A warrior is not a wrestler, he’s killed the moment his spear and shield are over powered. A warrior’s blood boils before the fire is hot. A wasp can be more dangerous than a tiger. A watched arrow does not take time to pierce the eyes. (If you notice a problem coming, you should quickly take precautionary measures to avoid it.) A watched clock never tells the time.