Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 716

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Where might is the master, justice is the servant. Where misfortune befals, injuries follow. Where money and counsel are wanting, it is best not to make war. Where money is lacking, God provides. Where money is lacking, none enters. Where money, there friends. Where Nature stops folly begins. Where necessity speaks, it demands. Where need is great, help is nearby. Where nothing is, the king must lose his right. Where old age is evil, youth can learn no good. Where one door closes, another one opens. Where one is wise two are happy. Where one trusts, there he gets fat. Where passion is high, reason is low. Where people are promising much to you, bring a small bag. Where philosophy ends, medicine begins. Where pig is proffered, go round with a sack. Where poverty comes in at the door, loves flies out at the window. Where poverty comes in, love goes out. Where power reigns there is no room for reason. Where profit is, loss is hiding nearby. Where rain has ever been trapped before when it rains again it will get trapped once again. Where remedies are needed, sighing avails not. Where right has no power -- there power likes to be. Where rosemary grows the wife wears the trousers. Where shall a man have a worse friend than he brings from home. Where shall the ox go and not plough? Where shall the ox go but he must labour, since he knows how? Where shall the ox go, and not have to plough? Where shepherds are lots, sheep are lost. 715 Where six cooks are, there is nothing to eat. Where smoke is coming from, there is fire. Where something is thin, that's where it tears. Where the army goes there is no grass. Where the bee sucks honey the spider sucks poison. Where the best wine grows, the worst is drunk. Where the bird was hatched it haunts. Where the body wants to rest, there the legs must carry it. Where the camel is sold for a cent, the ass is worthless. Where the carcase is, there will the vultures be. Where the carcass is, there shall the eagles be gathered together. Where the carcass is, there the ravens will collect together. Where the carrion is, there the eagles gather. Where the cattle are, there the wolf shall die. Where the cattle stand together, the lion lies down hungry. Where the cock is the hen does not crow. Where the dam leaps over, the kid follows. Where the devil cannot put his head he puts his tail. Where the devil can't go himself, he sends an old woman. Where the dike is lowest the water first runs over. Where the girls are there are no spider's webs. Where the goat is tied she must browse. Where the goat leaps, leaps that which sucks her. Where the gold jingles more, I run more quickly. Where the hands move, there let the eyes follow. Where the heart is past hope, the face is past shame.