Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
A smokey cabin, a handful of spuds and a
flea-filled bed.
A smooth sea never made a skillful
A smooth talker is a good-for-nothing
A smooth tongue is better than smooth
A snail that doesn’t crawl with its shell
should be ready to die.
A snake and millipede can both craw on
their bellies but this doesn’t make them
A snake bites because the hole has ended.
(there is limit for every person’s
A snake can change its skin but not its
A snake can shade its skin but it still
remains a snake.
A snake deserves no pity.
A snake eats by moving around. (if you
want something you have to make an
A snake lies concealed in the grass.
A snake that swallows his friend will have a
tail sticking out of his mouth.
A snake that you can see does not bite.
A snake which escapes fills a basket.
A snake’s ears only listen to a stick.
A snotnose may grow up to be a man; but
he who laughs without cause, never.
A snow year, a rich year.
A snowy year, means a good year for grain.
A society grows great when old men plant
trees in whose shade they know they
shall never sit.
A soft answer bids a Furioso to put up his
A soft answer calms the wrath.
A soft answer turn away wrath
A soft answer turneth away wrath
A soft answer turns away anger.
A soft answer turns away wrath.
A soft dropping April brings milk to cows
and sheep.
A soft-spoken compliment is honied
A soldier on furlough lets his shirt hang out
of his trousers.
A soldier’s no boor though no gentleman
A solitary man is either a beast or an angel.
A solitary ox shits more than a hundred
A son as cunning as his father knows the
arrows like father.
A son is a son till he gets him a wife, but a
daughter’s a daughter the rest of your
A son who is a priest is the wealth of a
A son will be what he was taught.
A son will learn from his father to make a
living, a daughter will learn from her
mother to cut clothes.
A song belongs to no one.
A son-in-law and a pig will show you the
way only once.
A son-in-law’s friendship is a winter’s sun.
A sooty chimney costs many a beef-steak.
A sore finger and a headache are standard
excuses for not going to school.
A sorrowfu’ heart’s aye dry.
A sound mind in a sound body.
A sow is always dreaming of bran.
A sow may find an acorn as well as a hog.
A sow may whistle, though it has an ill
mouth for it.
A sow prefers bran to roses.
A spacious ground is the right place to
demonstrate one’s skill in wrestling.
A spaniel, a woman, and a walnut-tree, the
more they’re beaten the better they be.
A spared body only goes twenty-four hours
further that another.
A spark may raise an awful blaze.
A sparrow in hand is worth a pheasant that
flieth by.
A sparrow in hand is worth more than a
vulture flying.