Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 63

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A saddle fits more backs than one. A saft aiver was ne’er a gude horse. A sailor must have his eye trained to the rocks and sands as well as the north star. A saint that cannot cure anyone has few disciples. A sandal is not a shoe; a cap is not a turban. A sandstorm passes; the stars remain. A satiated man doesn’t know what’s hunger, a healthy man doesn’t know what’s disease. A satisfied man doesn’t understand the feeling of a hungry man. A satisfied man is happy even if he is poor; a dissatisfied man is sad even if he is rich. A satisfied person does not know the hungry man. A satisfied person does not know what a hungry one feels. A sauna -- the poor man’s pharmacy. A sauna makes a woman most beautiful one hour after the bath. A scabby colt may make a good horse. A scabby head fears the comb. A scald head need strong lye. A scalded cat dreads cold water. A scalded dog fears even the rain. A scalded dog thinks cold water hot. A scanian is only swedish during the icehockey world championships. A scared dog barks to pretend to its master but a brave dog bits to protect him. A sceptre is one thing, a ladle another. A scholar’s ink is worth as much as the blood of the martyr. A scholars ink lasts longer than a martyr’s blood. A scorpion never stung me but I cured myself with its grease. A Scots man is ay wife behind band. A scots mist will weet an englishman to the skin. A sculptor is a maker of things eternal. A sea will not dry up, a nation will not get lost. A seat in the council is honour without profit. A second marriage is like a warmed-up meal. A second wife cannot celebrate the beating of the first wife because that same beating awaits her when the third wife arrives. A second woman has golden thighs. A secret agreement enabled people to kill Watatua. A secret between two is God’s secret, a secret between three is everybody’s. A secret between two is God’s secret; a secret between three is known to all. A secret foe gives a sudden blow. A secret imparted is no longer a secret. A secret is a weapon and a friend. A secret is between two; when a third is involved, it’s no secret. A secret is like a dove: when it leaves my hand it takes wing. A secret is too little for one, enough for two, too much for three. A secret remains a secret only when one person knows it. A secretive person is up to some mischief. A self confident woman will soon be married. A sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to our steps as we walk the tightrope of life. A servant and a cock must be kept but one year. A servant serves a king, he serves the king well; a servant serves two kings, he is true to one. A servant who has two masters, lies to one of them. A service done to the unwilling is no service. A severely underpaid hungry teacher in a renovated, well-equipped classroom, can perform just as well as a bird without feathers can do in a hanging, decorated cage. 62