Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 612

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The wonderful and the impossible have come into collision. The wood has ears, the field has eyes. The wood is burnt, but the ashes are a nuisance. The wood is the poor man's coat. The wood will renew the foliage it sheds. The word "enough" does not exist for water, fire, and women. The word "yes" brings trouble; the word "no" leads to no evil. The word goes out but the message is lost. The word is silver, the silence is gold. The word of a powerful man is the truth. The word of a woman is a bundle of water. The word of a woman is as a little feather on the water. The word of honour of a gentleman-- another pledge would be better. The word of the king is the king of words. The word that is heard perishes, but the letter that is written remains. The word that remains in the belly does not mean anything. The words are fair, said the wolf, but I will not come into the village. The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever. The words of the elderly are as sweet as honey, but if you do not listen they become as sour as bile. The words of the elders are blessed. The words of the elders do not lock all the doors, they leave the right door open. The words of the wise become sweet the day after. The words of tongue should have three gate keepers. Is it true, is it kind, is it necessary? The words you say to tell the truth are as important as the decision to be truthful. The work praises the man. The work praises [shows] the workman. The work tests the workman. The work will teach you how to do it. The worker expects to be paid. 611 The workman is known by his work. The workman is worthy of his hire. The workmanship surpassed the material. The works praises its master. The world about us. The world at large doesn't lead to hell nor does the monastery lead to heaven. The world belongs to the phlegmatic. The world can be conquered with words, but not with drawn swords. The world could have been great if only people had been more useful. The world does not make promises to anybody. The world exists on three things: truth, justice, and peace. The world flatters the elephant and tramples on the ant. The world goes as it will and not as you or I would want it. The world goes as men make it go; and men are free to make it go otherwise, if they have the courage. The world has changed dramatically. The world is a barrel, for all to draw from. The world is a big place but there is so little room in it. The world is a good teacher, but it charges a huge fee. The world is a journey, the afterworld is home. The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down. The world is a ladder, in which some go up and others go down. The world is a pot, man but a spoon in it. The world is a rose: smell it and pass it on to your friends. The world is a round gulf, and he who cannot swim must go to the bottom. The world is a staircase; some are going up, some are coming down. The world is a sure teacher, but it requires a fat fee. The world is a tavern and the way hereafter is our home.