Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 606

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The used plough shines, standing water stinks. The value of anything is determined by the agreement of only two people. The value of peace is never known until the peace is disturbed. The value of youth will be known in old age. The venemous snake cannot be seen in the Savannah. The venom is in the tail. The very fact that we are looking for something usually stands in the way of our finding it. The very thing one likes, one does well. The very thing you do not want, that is what pleases god. The very time I thought I was lost, my dungeon shook and my chains fell off. The victor is always right. The village cock does not crow in town. The village feeds the town. The village one can see requires no guide. The village slattern wench has the form of a dove, the heart of a fox, and the mind of a toad. The village which is not discussed is not built. The village, which has got a whetstone, does not blunt the knife. The villager who always complains and is never satisfied with anything is like an annoying flea on the foot. The village's piper does not exhilarate. The villages rejoices at the rich mans woe. The villain that becomes rich knows neither friends nor family. The vine always says to his uncle Frank: Make me poor and I'll make you rich. The vine brings forth three grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of drunkenness, the third of sorrow. The vine says to the vintager: "Make me poor, and I will make you rich." The vineyard along the coast costs dearly. The viper assumes the colors of his surroundings. 605 The virtue of a woman does not go deep but her passion knows no limit. The virtue of parents is in itself a great legacy. The virtue of silence is a great piece of knowledge. The virtuous will be praised but not envied. The visitor who goes away without eating never comes back. The voice of a poor man does not carry very far. The voice of the people is like the voice of the almighty. The voice of the people is louder than the boom of a canon. The voice of the people is the voice of God. The voice of the poor has no echo. The voice that comes to borrow is more humble than the voice that comes to sake payment. The voices of the ancestors are the voices of the gods. The voluntary obedience of people depends on who is commanding them. The voyager's path is marked by the stars and not the sand dunes. The vulture embraced the chicken until its last breath. The vulture perches on the trees because it does not feel sure on the groung. The vulture perches on the trees because it does not feel sure on the groung. The wages of sin is death The wages of sin is death. The waggon must go whither the horses draw it. The wagtail hops and flaps its wings, but the male dove feeds and coos. The wails of heirs are halfway laughter. The waiting man gets the wind behind him. The waiting man thinks the time long. The walking-stick reaches many lands, the word many more.