Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 574

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The man without a wife, has nothing good. The man without money seems half sick. The man, who eats alone, dies alone. The maquis has no eyes, but it sees all. The mare of the smith and the children of the shoemaker, allways goes barefooted. The mare's kick does not harm the colt. The mare's kicks are caresses to the colt. The mare's kicks are caresses to the horse. The marksman hitteth the mark partly by pulling, partly by letting go. The married man has many cares, the unmarried one many more. The marten is proud where there is no weasel. The mason who strikes often is better than the one who strikes too hard. The master derives from his art. The master has long arms, but they don't reach heaven. The master is the master and the owner is the headmaster. The master is the one who turns the servant into a thief. The master of the people is their servant. The master orders the man, the man orders the cat, and the cat orders her tail. The master’s eye fattens the horse. The master's eye and foot are the best manure for the field. The master's eye does more than both his hands. The master's eye makes the animals fat. The master's eye makes the horse fat. The master's foot is manure for the estate. The master's footsteps fattens the soil, and his foot the ground. The matchmaker always asks for too much money for his eight hundred lies. The matchmaker gets three cups of wine when he succeeds and three slaps on the cheek when he fails. The mature fruit is cooked in August and dished out in September. The maw costs much. The maxims of men disclose their hearts. The mean is the best. The meaning is best known to the speaker. The means were wanting, not the will. The measure of our sacrifice is the measure of our love. The meat from the castrated, from wherever you take it you trick yourself. The meat-biting tooth is in the mouth; the man-biting tooth is in the soul. The mediator in a fight gets all the blows. The medicine that cures the tailor can kill the shoemaker. The medicine that hurts the most is generally the best healer. The mediocre doctor attends to impending sickness. The Meek lamb sucks from two mothers. The meek will inherit the earth. The melon seller does not announce, "Bitter melons." The members of the family are in distress, but the idols are worshipped. The memories of one's youth make for long, long thoughts. The memory of a benefit vanisheth, but the remembrance of an injury sticketh fast in the heart. The memory of happiness makes misery woeful. The memory of you sings in my blood. The men are the wool of the tribe, but the women are the ones who weave the pattern. The men o' the east are pykin their geese, and sendin' their feathers here-awa there -awa. The merchant that loses cannot laugh. The merchant who gains not, loseth. The merciful do not engage in war, and the righteous do not engage in finances. The mice have taken themselves off. The mice will never play with the kittens. The middle path is the safe path. The middle way of measure is ever golden. The midwife should have cut his throat rather than his navel. 573