Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 534

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs The black ox never stamps on his own foot. The black soup is still ahead. The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice. The blacksmith in one village becomes a blacksmith's apprentice in another. The blacksmith's horse and the cobbler's wife are always the last to have shoes. The blacksmith's horse has no horseshoes. The blade wears out the sheath. The bleating of the lamb merely arouses the tiger. The blessed knife eats of the meat of the 'kinandu'. The blessing of having many children has never broken a man's roof. The blight ness of the moon can only be experienced in total darkness. The blind cannot see -- the proud will not. The Blind hen, when it sees again, wants even to mount the cock. The blind Horse is hardiest. The blind man has picked up a coin. The blind man is laughing at the bald head. The blind man wishes to show the way. The blind man would like to show the way to others. The blind one asked the naked guy to lead him on. The blind person is not afraid of ghosts. The blind person never fears ghosts. The blind say that eyes have no sense of smell. The blind would lead the blind. The blindnes of that one is his good fortune. The block of wood should not dictate to the carver. The blood creeps where it can't go. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church. The blood soup made of one palm nut is shared in little drops. The blossoms in the spring are the fruit in autumn. The blow falls more lightly when it is anticipated. The blow is taken on the nose but it's the eyes that cry. 533 The blunders of physicians are covered by the earth. The boaster and the proud person are fools. The boat follows the helm, the woman follows her husband. The boat sails by, the shore remains. The boatsman reacheth the landing partly by pulling, partly by letting go. The bocor gives you a protective charm, but he doesn't tell you to sleep in the middle of the highway. The body is a sponge, the soul an abyss. The body is killed by the mouth. The body of joy is not so big. The body of the pope takes up no more room than the sexton's. The body pays for a slip of the foot, and gold pays for a slip of the tongue. The bone given to you by the king is meat. The bones for those who come late. The book and the sword descended from heaven together. The boor looks after a cent as the devil after a soul. The borrower is servant to the lender. The boss is always right. The boss said to the servant, when there isn't what you want, eat what there is. The bottom line is the bottom line The bottom of wealth is sometimes a dirty thing to behold. The bow may be bent until it breaks. The bow must not be always bent. The bow that is always bent slackens or breaks. The bowels support the heart, and not the heart the bowels. The bowman who is a bad marksman has a lie ready. The boy is father to the man. The brain is not in the pocket, but in the head. The brain, that sows not corn, plants thistles. The brains don't lie in the beard. The brains of a fox will be of little service if you play with the paw of a lion.