Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 517

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Such as the man is, such will be his discourse. Such awkward things will happen as going into the great square and coming back without ears. Such beginning, such end. Such bird, such egg. Such is the fate of the sheep: either shorn or roasted. Such mother, such daughter. Such things happen even to better folk. Sudden friendship sure repentance. Sudden frightening occurrence knows no brave person. Sudden glory soon goes out. Sudden trust brings sudden repentance. Sue a beggar and catch a louse. Suffer and expect. Suffering and patience, obedience and application, help the lowly born to honour. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof. Sugarcane is always sweet people only sometimes so. Sugared words generally prove bitter. Suit the behavior to the occasion. Suit yourself to the times. Summary justice is a summary offense. Summer is the mother of the poor. Summer is the season of inferior sledding. Summer sown corn and women's advice turn out once in every seven years. Summer will not last for ever. Sun is for cucumbers, rain for rice. Sunshine all the time makes a desert. Sunshine always follows a dark night. Superficiality goes from the door to the balcony. Superfine green beans, tomatoes and Chasselas grapes. Supper is soon served up in a plentiful house. Suppers have killed more than doctors have ever cured. Suppers kills mair than doctors cure. Supple as a glove. Supposing doesn't fill the grain basket; 'if' 516 doesn't fill the larder. Surfeit slayes mae nor the sword. Surfeits slay mae than swords. Surfeits slay mair than the sword. Surrounding yourself with dwarfs does not make you a giant. Survival must be earned. Survive the jaw of a tiger. Suspicion always haunts the guilty party. Suspicion bears dark devils. Suspicion is the bane of friendship. Suspicion is the poison of friendship. Suspicion is the sister of the wrong. Suspicion may be no fault, but showing it may be a great one. Sussex won't be druv. Swallow a date with its stone. Swarms in March make good honey. Swear by your brunt shins. Swearing in the name of one god while at the shrine of another god. Swear't to bed and sweer't up in the morning. Sweat makes good mortar. Sweep around your own doorstep first. Sweep before your own door before you look after your neighbour's. Sweep before your own door before you sweep before others. Sweep before your own door first before you sweep before the doorsteps of your neighbors. Sweep before your own door. Sweep first before your own door, before you sweep the doorsteps of your neigh- bors. Sweep in front of your own door before you look after your neighbor's. Sweep in front of your own door. Sweep the dirt from in front of your own door, and don't worry about your neighbour's. Sweep the house with a broom in may and you'll sweep the luck of the house away. Sweet and sour walk hand in hand.