Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 501

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs September blow soft till the fruit's in the loft. September brings acorn and olives. Seriousness and mildness ought to work in unison. Seriousness and pleasure should thrive together. Servants differ as their masters. Servants make the worst masters. Serve a lord and you'll know what is grief. Serve a lord, and you will know what it is to be vexed. Serve as a serf or fly like a deer. Serve even an unbeliever to attain your own ends. Serve the Lord and you'll see what pain is. Serve your neighbors as you would be served yourself. Serve yoursel' till your bairns come to age. Service is greatness. Service is not inheritance. Services unrequired go unrequited. Set a beggar on a horse and he'll ride to the devil. Set a beggar on horseback, and he don't trot, but gallops. Set a beggar on horseback, and he'll ride to the Devil. Set a cow to catch a hare. Set a fox to catch a fox. Set a frog on a golden stool, away it hops to reach the pool. Set a knave to catch a knave. Set a peasant on horseback, and he forgets both God and man. Set a sprat to catch a mackerel. Set a stout heart to a stay brae. Set a thief to catch a thief Set a thief to catch a thief. Set aside emergencies and help a woman giving birth. Set good against evil. Set hard heart against hard hap. Set it free, if it is yours it will come back. Set not your loaf in till the oven is hot. Set out wisely at first; custom will make every virtue more easy and pleasant to you than any vice can be. 500 Set that down on the back side of your count -book. Set the sails according to the wind. Set thy expense according to thy trade. Set your expense according to your trade. Set your sail according to the wind. Set your sail to the wind. Setting out well is a quarter of the journey. Setting the conditions before you make an agreement is better than having an argument in the middle of the work. Settling a dispute through the law is like losing a cow for the sake of a cat. Seven brothers in a council make wrong right. Seven days is the length of a guest's life. Seven days king, seven days minister, slave for the rest of your life. Seven don't wait for one. Seven hours of sleep is enough for the young and the aged. Seven is company, and nine confusion. Seven nannies make a one-eyed kid. Seven people do not wait for one person. Seven people don't wait for one. Seven sets of ewers, but no dinner nor lunch. Seven sons of one mother, and each one of a different mind. Seven trades but no luck. Seven women in their right senses are surpassed by a mad man. Seven's a banquet nine a brawl. Several eyes see more. Several repeated visits to the mud pit enable the wasp to build its house. Sex is like war, both are exciting but neither informative. Seying goes good cheap. Shadow of a stick canot protect one from the sun. Shadows are formed all along the wishes of the sun. Shake hands at the beginning and at the end. Shall the gosling teach the goose to swim?