Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 463

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs One man restored our fortunes by delay. One man tells a lie, dozens repeat it as the truth. One man uses his tongue, another his teeth. One man with courage is a majority. One man yawning makes another yawn too. One man, no man. One man’s loss is another man’s gain. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. One mango tree does not feed the whole village. (People should not rely upon just one person to supply all of their needs.) One mangy sheep spoils a whole flock. One man's beard is burning, and another warms his hands by it. One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it. One man's beard is on fire, and another man warms his hands on it. One man's breath another's death. One man's breath's another man's death. One man's death is another man's bread. One man's death is another man's life. One man's fault is another man's lesson. One man's folly is another man's fortune. One man's happiness is another man's sadness. One man's house burns so that another may warm himself. One man's loss is another man's gain. One man's meat is another man's pet. One man's meat is another man's poison. One man's meat is another's poison. One man's punishment is a deterrent to many. One man's shit is anothers factory of bliss. One man's story is no story; hear both sides. One man's trash is another man's treasure. One marriage is never celebrated but another grows out of it. One Mass now is worth a hundred after you're gone. One may as well be well beaten as badly beaten. One may be generous at heart, but may not be able to afford it. One may become the devil's brother in order 462 to cross the bridge. One may better steal a horse than another look over the hedge. One may buy gold too dear. One may get up late if one has the name of getting up early. One may go a long way after one is tired. One may have good eyes and see nothing. One may have good eyes and yet see nothing. One may lead a horse to water, but twenty cannot make him drink. One may live without one's friends but not without one's pipe. One may make up a soft bed for somebody, but still it will be hard to sleep in. One may ride a free horse to death. One may see through a wall, if there's a hole in it. One may sooner fall than rise. One may steal nothing save a lawyer's purse. One may study calligraphy at eighty. One may survive distress, but not disgrace. One may teach another to speak, but none can teach another to hold his peace. One may tire of eating tarts. One measures the towers by their shadows and great people by those who envy them. One meets his destiny often in the road he takes to avoid it. One might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. One minute of patience can mean ten years of peace. One minute of patience can result in ten years of peace. One minute of patience, ten years of peace. One misfortune brings on another. One misfortune comes on the neck of another. One moment is worth more than a thousand gold pieces. One moment of intense happiness prolongs life by a thousand years.