Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 452

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Often he who does too much does too little. Often one finds destiny just where one hides to avoid it. Often one finds one's destiny just where one hides to avoid it. Often shooting hits the mark. Often the best way of giving oneself what one lacks is to take from oneself what one has. Often the best way to give oneself what one lacks is to take from oneself what one has. Often there is eloquence in a silent look. Often, under the unseeing hide the cunning. Oh hasty one, God will delay you. Oh hyena, don't give me excuse to eat me. Oh hyena, you cannot drag away hides without making a sound. Oh no! Does not find, but yes! (To worry does not help, but acceptance does help) Oh tyrant, your day will come. Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Oh, misfortune, I forgive you when you come alone. Oh, oh, oh! three times I say it, who falls into poverty loses his friends. Oil and truth will get uppermost at last. Oil and water don't mix Oil is best at the beginning, honey at the end, and wine in the middle. Old age and poverty are wounds that can't be healed. Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill. Old age comes not on its own. Old age cures us of our youth. Old age devours your youth. Old age does not announce itself. Old age does not come in just one day. Old age doesn't protect from folly. Old age is a disease that you die from. Old age is a heavy burden. Old age is a hospital that takes in all diseases. Old age is a hundred disorders. Old age is a thousand headaches. 451 Old age is cruel for whores and magicians. Old age is desired, but when it comes, it's detested. Old age is in itself a disease. Old age is no protection against foolishness. Old age is not a blessing. Old age is not a joy, but death is not a gain. Old age is not as honorable as death, but most people want it. Old age is ripeness. Old age is sickness of itself. Old age is venerable. Old age though despised, is coveted by all. Old age will not come alone. Old and new millet seeds end up in the same mill. Old as is the boat it may cross the ferry once. Old bachelors and old maids are either too good or too bad. Old be, or young die. Old birds are hard to pluck. Old birds are not caught with cats. Old birds are not caught with chaff. Old birds are not caught with new nets. Old brag is a good dog, but hold fast is better. Old canoes can be restored, but youth and beauty cannot. Old cats love young mice. Old chains gall less than new. Old chilly is not bitter. (old people do not know anything) Old churches have dark windows. Old countries don't disappear overnight; they stay for breakfast. Old cows like young grass. Old crows are hard to catch. Old debts are never paid, and the new ones get old easily. Old debts are not paid, and new ones are left to get old. Old donkeys do not learn languages. Old droppings do not stink.