Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 434

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Never wrestle with a strong man nor bring a rich man to court. Never write a letter while you are angry. Never write what you dare not sign. Never, Never... allow anyone to persuade you to suspend your common sense. Nevertheless, it moves. New advice for a new business. New broom sweep clean, but de ole broom know de corner. New broom sweeps clean but old broom gets corners. New brooms sweep clean. New brooms sweep clean. New brooms sweep clear. New churches and new bars are seldom empty. New churches and new taverns are seldom empty. New come, welcome. New comers are always welcome. New customers are lik razor-toothed Gree worms, they may be succulent, but sometimes they bite. New day -- new destiny. New dishes beget new appetites. New doctor, new churchyard. New lairds have new laws. New laws, new roguery. New lords, new laws. New love throws out old love. New loves drive out the old. New meat begets a new appetite. New songs are eagerly sung. New songs are liked the best. New things are fair. New things are most looked at. New things lie in front of moving feet. New trappings to an old mule. News does not sleep on the way. News don't lack a carrier. News that's for money today will be for free tomorrow. Next to fire, straw isn't good. Nice guys finish last. Nice words appease even the enemy. Nice words are free, so choose ones that 433 please another's ears. Nicknames are the hardest stones the devil can throw at a man. Nicknames are used in case the Devil comes asking for you Night brings counsel. Night brings the cows home. Night has no friend. Night is followed by day, famine by abun- dance. Night is the mother of advice. Night is the mother of councils. Night time sleep counsels man. Night was created so that we might consider what we did during the day. Nights of pleasure are short. Night-time; someone slept with a person suffering from leprosy. (Don’t’ just rush into doing something before examining it.) Nine days wonders are forgotten soon after that. Nine gamblers could not feed a single rooster. Nine is near ten. Nine tailors make a man. Nineteen nay-says of a maiden are half a grant. Ninety per cent of inspiration is perspiration. Ninety-nine lies may help you, but the hundredth will give you away. Nip sin in the bud. Nip the briar in the bud. Nipping and scarting's scotch folk's wooing. No alchemy like savings. No all foot in a boot a good foot. No and yes cause long disputes. No answer is also an answer. No ape but swears he has the handsomest children. No apple tree is immune from worms. No armour is proof against the gallows. No attention is paid to him who is always complaining.