Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 414

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Marry yer son when ye will, but yer dochter when ye can. Marry you son when you will, and your daughter when you can. Marry your children with their peers so you won't regret it someday. Marry your like. Marry your son when you please, your daughter when you can. Marry your son when you will, your daughter when you can. Marry, and grow tame. Marry, marry, and what about the housekeeping. Marry, marry, sounds well but tastes ill. Marrying for love is risky, but god smiles on it. Marrying in the blood is never good. Marrying is easy, but housekeeping is hard. Marrying is easy, it's housework that's hard. Marrying off a daughter is like loading cargo on a ship. Martha sings well when she has had her fill. Mary Busybody never wants a bad day, and Mary Drone has God to give and bring to her. Mass is not repeated for the deaf. Master absent and house dead. Master and servant -- both have the same body odor. Master your passions or your passions will master you. Masters are fighting, servants' forelocks are creaking. Masters' hints are commands. Masters two, will not do. Masters who sacrifice for servants will receive the gift of loyalty. Mastiff never liked greyhound. Matches may be made in heaven, but they are sold down here. Maternity is a matter of fact, paternity is a matter of opinion. Matrimony is the grave of romance. Maturity comes from wisdom not in the passing of years. Maturity consists of no longer being taken in 413 by oneself. May and December never agree. May as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. May as well be here we are as where we are. May chickens come cheeping. May God bless you to live as long as you want to; and want to as long as you live. May God not make one hand dependent on the other. May God not so prosper our friends that they forget us. May God protect you from goyishe hands and yiddishe tongues. May God save me from the one I saved. May God save us from good weather in January. May God strike the rich man blind by his own gold. May his memory be eternal. May it always be spring with you. May it end with threats and not come to blows. May Kabul be without gold rather without snow. May no lies be spoken against me in the presence of God. May problems with neighbors last only as long as snow in March. May the crazy not die to make people laugh. May the enemies of Ireland doors have no latch, may their houses have no thatch. May the enemies of Ireland have their pri- vates gnawed off by hungry rats. May the Great Spirit walk with you. May the Great Spirit's blessings always be with you. May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty. May the Lord grant me a sword and no need to use it. May the man be damned and never grow fat, Who wears two faces under one hat.