Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
A husband and wife often fight intensely at
one moment and then kiss intensely at
the next moment.
A husband may be the head of a home but
the wife is the heart of a home.
A husband must be deaf and the wife blind
to have quietness.
A husband must be respected, even if he’s
very short.
A husband of a mother is a father.
A husband should not talk of pretty girls in
front of his wife.
A husband with one eye rather than with a
A hut is a palace to the poor man.
A hyena cannot smell its own stench.
A hyena does not forget where it ate a
bone. (a person seeks assistance to who
assisted him previously)
A hyena is used to persistent rains.
A hypocrite’s hatred is hidden behind
flattering words.
A jack of all trades is master of none.
A jack of both sides, is before long, trusted
by nobody, and abused by both parties.
A jackdaw among the muses.
A jackfish does more than a letter of
A jade eats as much as a good horse.
A Jade stone is useless before it is
processed; a man is good-for-nothing
until he is educated.
A jealous hen does not hatch. (Jealousy is
not good because it makes one fail to do
important things.)
A jealous lover becomes an indifferent
A jealous man is born cuckolded.
A jealous woman will set a whole house on
A jest is half a truth.
A Jew without a wife will not find peace in
this life.
A job that you ignore or put off waits you.
A joke can break the earring.
A joke driven too far brings home hate.
A joke is often the hole through which truth
A joke may have children born.
A joke must not hit the belly.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with
a single step
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a
single step.
A joy that is shared is a joy made double.
A joyful evening may follow a sorrowful
A joyous evening often leads to a sorrowful
A judge and a stomach do their asking in
A judge knows nothing unless it has been
explained to him three times.
A jug carries water until its handle breaks
A jug that has been mended lasts two
hundred years.
A juicy bone is useless to a dog with no
A junior will always do what the senior
A just man falls seven times, and rises up
A kakhondo’s bush will be known as
kakhondo’s bush even if an elephant
dies there. (land or any possession
belongs to its owner)
A Kerry shower is of twenty-four hours.
A kick from a mare never hurt a horse.
A kind speech and forgiveness is better
than alms followed by injury.
A kind welcome is better than a good
A kind word can attract even the snake
from his nest.
A kind word is like a spring day.
A kind word is like charity.
A kind word never broke anyone’s mouth.
A kind word warms a man through three
A kind word warms for three winters.
A kindness bestowed on the good is never
thrown away.