Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 32

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs A great affair covers up a small matter. A great anvil fears not noise. A great boaster is rarely a great performer. A great book is a great evil. A great church and little devotion. A great city. A great desert. A great dowry, a bed full of brambles. A great estate is not gotten in a few hours. A great fortune depends on luck, a small one on diligence. A great fortune in the hands of a fool is a great misfortune. A great fortune is a great servitude. A great lance-thrust to a dead Moor. A great leader is an ordinary person with extraordinary wisdom. A great leap gives a great shake. A great liar has a good memory. A great man will not trample on a worm, nor sneak to an emperor. A great man’s entreaty is a command. A great position entails great responsibility. A great river does not refuse any small streams. A great sea comes not through a narrow strait. A great ship asks for deep waters. A great sin can enter by a small door. A great stone fell down from his heart. A great talker is a great liar. A great talker may be no fool, but he is one who relies on him. A great thrust of a lance at a dead Moor. A greedy father has thieves for children. A greedy man God hates. A greedy man is always poor. A greedy man is born to cavort with the devil. A greedy man’s possession is eaten by a pirate. A greedy mek fly follow coffin go a hole. A greedy mill grinds all kinds of corn. A greedy person and a pauper are practically one and the same. A green Christmas makes a fat churchyard. A green grass in the green snake. A green Yule makes a fat churchyard. 31 A greyhound finds food in its feet. A grilled locust is better than no soup. A gross belly does not produce a refined mind. A grunting donkey is nothing to be ashamed of. A grunting horse and a graneing wife seldom fail their master. A guard dog cannot watch two homes at once. A gude fellow is a costly name. A gude goose may hae an ill gaiflin. A guest and a fish after three days are poison. A guest and a fish stink in three days. A guest for a day is welcome the whole year. A guest hammers a nail in the wall even if he stays only one night. A guest has not to thank the host, but the host the guest. A guest is a gift, a thief a tragedy. A guest is like rain: when he lingers on, he becomes a nuisance. A guest mourner does not wail as though his heart is broken. A guest sees more in an hour than a host in a year. A guest should be blind in another man’s house. A guest should not cause his host’s demise. When the guest is ready to leave, his host should not have given him a hunch -back. A guest should not remain for ever a guest. A guest sticks a nail in the wall even if he stays but one night. A guest who breaks the dishes of his host is not soon forgotten. A guest who comes empty handed does not deserve a warm welcome. A guest will not eat what he hopes for but what he finds. A guest will not know what fasting means.