Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 227

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Grapes and grapes. Grapes are eaten one by one. Grapes do not grow in a willow tree. Grapes picked too early don't even make good vinegar. Grapes will darken by looking at each other. Grasp all, lose all. Grasp no more than thy hand will hold. Grass does not grow on the nose of a thief. Grass doesn't grow on a bushy road. Grass doesn't grow on a busy street. Grass fears the frost, frost fears the sun. Grass grows not upon the highway. Grass grows on its roots. Grass is greener in other pastures. Grass will not grow on a volcano. Grassy year, shitty year. Gratitude is the heart’s memory. Gratitude is the heart's money. Gratitude is the least of virtues, but ingratitude the worst of vices. Gratitude is the memory of the heart. Gratitude of a donkey is a kick. Gratitude ranks as the least of virtues, and the lack of gratitude is the worst of vices. Gravediggers have their own gravediggers too. Gray and green make the worst medley. Gray hair is a sign of age, not of wisdom. Gray hairs are death's blossoms. Gray hairs are death's early blossoms. Gray hairs are honorable. Grease a churl's boots and he'll say you are burning them. Grease to the wheels. Great abilities produce great vices as well as virtues. Great anger is more destructive than the sword. Great barkers are nae biters. Great birth is a very poor dish at table. Great blessings come from heaven; small blessings come from man. Great boast and small roast makes unsavory mouths. Great boast, small roast. Great boasters, little doers. 226 Great business is good; to sit and sip this glass is better. Great care is no defense against Fate. Great chiefs prove their worthiness. Great consolation may grow out of the smallest saying. Great cry and little wool, as the Devil said when he sheared the sow. Great cry and little wool, as the fellow said when he sheared his hogs. Great cry and little wool, as the man said who shaved the sow. Great cry and little wool, quoth the devil, when he sheared his hogs. Great deeds are reserved for great men. Great deeds are reserved for great souls. Great deeds come from times of shortage. Great deeds, great songs. Great discomfort arises from too hearty a supper: if you would enjoy a tranquil sleep let your supper be a light one. Great disputing repels truth. Great doubts deep wisdom. Small doubts little wisdom. Great estates may venture more; little boats must keep near shore. Great events give scope for great virtues. Great events may stem from words of no importance. Great fish are caught in great waters. Great fish feed on the lesser. Great fishes break the net. Great fools must have great bells. Great gaps may be filled with small stones. Great God is the ruler of all the gods. Great greediness to reap, helps not the money-heap. Great griefs are mute. Great haste breaks the yam tuber. Great haste makes great waste. Great hate follows great love. Great honours are great burdens. Great is the victory that is gained without bloodshed.