Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 204

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Fish, to taste good, must swim three times: in water, in butter, and in wine. Fish-bone no lodge in a pickney troat alone. Fisherman near fisherman. Hunter near hunter. Fishermen recognize each other from far away. Fishing without a net is just bathing. Fish's child knows how to swim. Five fingers are brothers but are not equals. Five fingers hold more than two forks. Five minutes of health comfort the ill one. Five of them would run from the bang of one empty gun. Fixing the known is better than waiting for the unknown. Flaes and a girning wife are wakerife bed fellows. Flatter the mother to get the girl. Flatterers and traders are related. Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch behind. Flatterers haunt not cottages. Flatters, like cats, lick and then scratch. Flatters, like rats, tickle and then bite. Flattery brings friends, truth enemies. Flattery butters no parsnips. Flattery is sweet food for those who can swallow it. Flattery is the best persuader of people. Flattery is the best persuader. Flattery makes friends and truth makes enemies. Flattery sits in the parlour when plain dealing is kicked out of doors. Flattery will get you nowhere. Flattery, like perfume, should be smelled, not swallowed. Fleas and a grining wife are waukrife bedfellows. Fleas are not lobsters. Flee as fast as you will, your fortune will be at your tail. Flee from sin as from a snake; if you go near it, it will bite you. Fleeing and running are not the same thing. Fleeing is shameful but it preserves life. 203 Flesh of man - mends itself. Fleying a bird is not the gate to grip it. Flies are easier caught with honey than with vinegar. Flies can't fall in a tight-closed pot. Flies can't fly into a closed mouth. Flies don't get near a boiling pot. Flies flock to the lean horse. Flies know well the sweet seller's beard. Flies' legs, like the tongue of critics, land on whatever they find. Flies never infest an egg without cracks. Flies plough the ox' horns. Flies will easily fly into the honey -- their problem is how to get out. Flies will never leave the shop of a sweetmaker. Flies will not light on a boiling pot. Flies, dogs. and mimics are the first to rush to the dish. Flight towards preferment will be but slow without some golden feathers. Fling him into the Nile, and he will come up with a fish in his mouth. Flint and gunpowder: every time they meet there is an explosion. Float on small clouds. Flog my erring child comes from the lips, "don't hurt him/her" comes from the bottom of the heart. Flourish like a flower, but may your life be longer. Flowers are the pledges of fruit. Flowers in May and fruiting in June. Flowers leave a part of their fragrance in the hands that bestow them. Flowers look different in different eyes. Flowing water never gets dirty. Flowing water never goes bad; our door hubs never gather termites. Fly that pleasure which pains afterward. Flying birds have no master. Flying from the bull he fell into the river. Foam will always find its way to the shore. Focus on but one target. Folks like the truth that hits their neighbor.