Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 184

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Even fleas want to cough. Even flies have ears. Even food can attack. Even for a tree of 10000 feet, it’s leaves return to the root when they fall. Even foul water will put out a fire. Even foul water will quench fire. Even foxes are caught. Even from a foe a man may learn wisdom. Even from an enemy a man can learn wisdom. Even God cannot make two mountains without a valley in between. Even God cannot make two mountains without a valley in between. Even God cannot satisfy everyone. Even God our Lord has given way to a drunken man. Even good dogs have fleas. Even good tree has, sometimes bad fruit. Even hares insult a dead lion. Even hares pull a lion by the beard when he is dead. Even he gets on who is drawn by oxen. Even honey can taste bitter if it’s used as medicine. Even honor is not an honor, if there is nothing to eat. Even honors are punishments. Even if a baby seems unpleasant to look at, his mother never refuses him. Even if a chef cooks just a fly, he would keep the breast for himself. Even if a fool remains silent, he is considered wise. Even if a knife is made of silver, a person won’t stab his own heart with it. Even if a log lies in the water for a long time, it does not become a crocodile. Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it is and remains an ugly thing. Even if a mountain is high, there is always a way to reach the top, and although the way might be full of danger, there is always a way for someone to get through it. Even if an animal comes to you for 183 protection, you give it sanctuary. Even if fed milk, a snake will still emit poison. Even if gypsy children are dropped from the sky. Even if the elephant is thin he is still the lord of the jungle. Even if the hen is poor it cannot leave blank eggs. Even if the monkey wears a golden ring it remains an ugly thing. Even if the nightingale is in a gold cage, she still dreams of returning to the forest. Even if the old woman has no teeth, her tiger nuts remain in her own bag. Even if the sky falls on you, there is a hole that you can escape from. Even if the truth is buried for centuries, it will eventually come out and thrive. Even if the whole world conspired against you, that would not inflict a quarter of the harm you inflict yourself. Even if the wound is healed, the scar of it remains. Even if thin, the elephant remains the king of the forest. Even if we eat, earth will eventually enter our mouth. Even if you are cunning, you will not tie water up in a bale of grass. Even if you close your eyes while looking in the mirror the image remains yours. Even if you dance for your enemy on the rock, he will accuse you of splashing water on him. Even if you hide yourself from the world, don’t lose sight of your real nature. Even if you know a thousand things, still consult him who knows something. Even if you remain an island you must still be friendly to the sea. Even if you rinse your clothes in very hot water you still need to dry them. Even if you’re rich, you cannot bury yourself.