Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs | Page 152

Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs Death is a camel that lies down at every door. Death is a camel which sleeps in everyone’s house. Death is a giant against whom even the Tsars must draw weapons. Death is a scar that never heals. Death is a shadow that always follows the body. Death is a thief. Death is always news. Death is an experience best shared. Death is blind. Death is closer than the shirt. Death is common to all. Death is God’s broom. Death is in front of the old person and at the back of the young person. Death is in the pot. Death is like a dress that, at some point or another, everyone has to wear. Death is like a robe everyone has to wear. Death is nature’s way of telling you to slow down. Death is never at a loss for occasions. Death is not found behind mountains but right behind our shoulders. Death is nothing and pain is nothing, but cowardice is crime and disgrace, the greatest punishment. Death is preferable. Death is the black camel that kneels before every door. Death is the bride of life. Death is the great leveller. Death is the key that will open a miser’s coffers. Death is the last doctor. Death is the poor man’s best physician. Death is the poor man’s doctor. Death is the reaper who doesn’t take a midday nap. Death keeps no almanack. Death keeps no calendar. Death makes equal the high and low. Death makes us equal in the grave but not in eternity. 151 Death pays all debts. Death respects neither young nor old, neither poor nor rich. Death rides a fast camel. Death rides with the drinking driver. Death rights everything. Death rights everything. Death said to the man with his throat cut, “How ugly you look.” Death snatches away the most deserving, and leaves the wicked. Death spares neither Pope nor beggar. Death spares no one. Death squares all accounts. Death takes the poor man’s cow and the rich man’s child. Death to the wolf is life to the lambs. Death was afraid of him because he had the heart of a lion. Death will cure all pain. Death will find me alive. Death’s ladder is there for everyone to climb. Deaths foreseen come not. Debt does not rot. Debt is beautiful after repaid. Debt is beautiful only after it is repaid. Debt is slavery. Debt is the worst kind of poverty. Debt severs love. Debtors are liars. Debts are like children: the smaller they are the more noise they make. Debts are like women, once you have them you can’t get rid of them. Debts does not rot. Debts make the thief. Debts remain from day to day. Deceit always returns to its master. Deceit and treachery make no man rich. Deceit is a lie which wears a smile. Deceit is in haste, but honesty can wait a fair leisure. Deceit sleeps with greed.