Rodgers Dictionary of Proverbs
A cowardly crow died of old age.
A cowardly hyena lived up to an old age.
A cowardly hyena lives longer.
A cow-year, a sad year; a bull-year, a glad
A crab does not beget a bird.
A crab does not beget a bird.
A crabbed knot must have a crabbed
A cracked bell can never sound well.
A cracked bell will never be sound.
A cracked pot never fell off the hook.
A crazy father and mother make sensible
A crazy man can be recognised not by his
words, but by his actions.
A crazy vessel never falls from the hand.
A creaking cart goes long on the wheels.
A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.
A creaking door hangs long on its hinges.
A creaking door hangs longest.
A crime eats its own child.
A crisis is an opportunity riding the
dangerous wind.
A crocodile’s young one does not grow in
one pond.
A crocodile’s young one is that which is on
its tail. (a child should follow his
parent’s instructions)
A crook in the forth is worth an earldom in
the north.
A crooked cornstalk can have a straight ear.
A crooked log is not to be straightened.
A crooked log makes a good fire.
A crooked stick makes us know the carpen-
A crooked stick will have a crooked
A crooked top on a crooked kettle.
A crooning coo, a crawing hen, and a
whistlin’ maid were ne’re very chancy.
A crop is at the beginning. (Do important
things first so that other things can
continue well.)
A cross-eyed Tsar, one-eyed ministers,
blind subjects.
A cross-grained woman and a snappish
dog take care of the house.
A crow a crow’s eyes doesn’t peck.
A crow does not louse the buffalo to clean
him but to feed himself.
A crow doesn’t pick out another crow’s
A crow is never the whiter for often
A crow is never the whiter for washing
herself often.
A crow is no whiter for being washed.
A crow is not unfit to whatever he owns.
(every person is entitled to whatever he
A crow likes her own chick the best.
A crow sits next to a crow.
A crow thinks her own bird fairest.
A crow will never be a dove.
A crow will never be a falcon.
A crow will not peck out a crow’s eyes.
A crow won’t bite a crow.
A crowd cheats a fool. (be careful what you
say at the gathering)
A crowd is like a smoldering log which can
spark into a flame at any time.
A crowd is not company.
A crown is no cure for the headache.
A crucible for silver and a furnace for gold,
but Allah tests the heart.
A cry and a sniff, and all comes to naught.
A cry, a sniff, and all comes to naught.
A crying child thrives.
A cumbersome Cur in company is hated for
his miscarriage.
A cunning man likes the company of a fool.
A cup must be bitter that a smile will not
A cup of coffee commits one to forty years
of friendship.
A cur’s tail grows fast.
A curious woman is capable of turning
around the rainbow just to see what is
on the other side.
A curse turns against the one who uttered
A curse turns around and strikes the one
who uttered it in the face.