Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Mama Mada | Page 68

Mama Mada Clay by David Po llard im Camille Claudel Clay is its own reward for all the time it takes to work on the explicit touch of skin on skin’s remembrance in the eye and the delight of re-appearance in its own image that might breathe again all the quick light and salamander air of its eternity and judgement and damnation. O it is finished and dried out, the angles softened into loss of life, the consummatum of my new and hardened patience of disguise under the taut and lowering sky of this new heaven’s creation where the touch is unchangeable and hard upon the dull and cobalt colouring of old desire. Finished and stale as the pale call of memories dry up into the skull’s opacity and the clock’s beat and beat by cloud and cloud and what was in the sun cradles old thoughts of our bronze cooling into the surface here in Neuilly. 63