Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories 2 | Page 390

Atondido Stories "Go back to him," his wife insisted, "and tell him again that his godchildren are hungry. I don't think he understood you." So the poor little shoemaker returned to the rich man. He cleared his throat apologetically and stammered: "Dear Godfather, you—you don't want your poor godchil- dren to go hungry, do you? Give me just one small piece of meat—that's all I ask." In a rage, the rich man picked up a hunk of meat and threw it at his poor friend. "There!" he shouted. "And now go to hell, you and the meat with you, and tell the Devil I sent you." The shoemaker picked up the piece of meat. It was all fat and gristle. "No use carrying this home," he thought to himself. "I think I better do as Godfather says. Yes, I'll go to hell and give it to the Devil." So he tramped down to hell and presented himself at the gate. The little devil who stood on guard greeted him merrily. "Hello, shoemaker! What do you want here?" "I have a present for the Devil, a piece of meat that Godfather gave me." The little devil of a guard nodded his head understandingly. "I see, I see. Very well then, come with me and I'll lead you to Prince Lucifer. But I'll give you a bit of advice first. When the Prince asks you what present you'd like in return, tell him you'd like the tablecloth off his own table." The little devil of a guard then conducted the shoemaker into Prince Lucifer's presence and the Prince received him with every mark of consideration. The shoemaker told him what Godfather had said and presented him the hunk of meat. Lucifer received it 386