Agoloso Presents - Atondido Stories Agoloso Presents - Aphorisms | Page 5

Aphorisms “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” “A charitable heart is an impartial altruist in the making, a charitable cause is a prejudiced judge in the taking.” “A child who grows up under poor conditions are more humble and grateful for what they have, than a child growing up with parents giving it everything it wants without deserving it.” “A circle has neither beginning nor end.” “A clear minded person is the one who respects every soul near him or her.” “A clever person admits to their faults, a stupid person keeps them hidden.” “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” “A cook makes. A thief takes.” “A cooking pot for the chameleon is a cooking pot for the lizard.” “A curse may lie behind the sweetest smile.” “A debt is still unpaid, even if forgotten.” “A difficult woman should teach you to be a man. Easy women just keep creating grown boys.” “A dream come true doesn’t come from wishes but it’s how bad do you want your wish to come true.” “A fake is a fake and no matter how much you dress it up the real thing always wins.” “A fire does not always require a drum of water; we might 5