Agile Transformation Report 2024 | Page 4

01 | Executive Summary

Key Results

Agile Transformation continues to be on the CxO agenda for most companies and is no longer solely relevant for tech or software players , however , most large German corporates are only at the beginning of the journey .
Few German companies achieved high agility so far

01 Only 4 % of the practitioners surveyed stated that their 04 company has a high level of Agile maturity . This is validated by our Agile Performer Index , where only about 12 % of Germany ' s largest companies meet the benchmark for high agility .

About 50 % of organizations appear in the process of an

02 Agile transformation


Of the ~ 60 companies analyzed , about one-third have such a low number of Agile experts that one can assume they have not yet engaged in any form of Agile transformation . However , around 50 % are on the journey , with a few having added more than 500 Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches over a period of 12 months ..
SCRUM , SAFe and custom adaptations account for 90 %

03 of frameworks used


German companies mainly rely on SCRUM ( 46 %) and SAFe ( 24 %), although larger organizations frequently develop custom frameworks . Overall adherence is relatively low , with low to moderate adherence in roughly three-quarters of the implementations .
One specific aspect of low adherence is the ratio of Agile Coaches to Scrum Masters Typically , benchmark companies maintain a ratio of one Agile Coach for every four Scrum Masters . In contrast , German companies often have fewer agile coaches , and ratios that appear disproportionate .
Lack of experienced Agile practitioners perceived as a major problem The survey reveals that about 80 % of Agile projects are understaffed with Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches . Additionally , 22 % of respondents stated that one Scrum Master has to manage more than two teams at their organization .
High agility only attainable when a top-priority in the organization Commitment of leadership , empowered teams , and agile culture are the most critical success factors . However , there is a consistent disparity between the perceived importance of these success factors and their actual level of development within organizations .
Where do organizations stand today in their Agile Transformations ?
• We compared ~ 60 large German corporates against a benchmark comprising leading software and tech players .
What is driving and hindering the success of Agile transformations ?
• To uncover this , we surveyed > 100 practitioners on their experiences and assessments .
AUTHORS : Björn Röber , Partner Dr . Stephan Hentrich , Manager Christoph Ploch , Manager
The authors would like to thank Philip Scherbaum , Leon Schulz and Philipp Sokol for their contribution to this publication .