Aged Care Insite Issue 99 | February-March 2017 | Page 39

Donna Cross Culturally Directed Care Solutions
Samantha Edmonds National LBTI Alliance
Prof . Kostas Mavromaras Flinders University
Matthew Moore Institute for Urban Indigenous Health
Readers of Aged Care Insite are well aware of the increasing demand for services across Australia and the related issues of a workforce unable to keep up with a rapidly aging population .
Ljubica Petrov Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing
Developing an efficient and sustainable industry should be a priority . An industry that supports a workforce which is inspired , skilled and valued , and that contributes to a high quality system that helps people age well , is the goal .
The Aged Care Insite Strategy 2027 : Aged Care Workforce Summit will focus on :
• The current composition of the aged care workforce and future needs , including the impacts of sector growth and changes in how care is delivered
Dr Katrina Radford Griffith Business School
• Attracting and retaining aged care workers
• Remuneration , working environments , staffing ratios , education and training
• Government policies that affect the aged care workforce
• Creating a culturally competent and inclusive aged care workforce
• The aged care workforce challenges in regional towns and remote communities .
Chris Westacott Realise Performance

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