On the cutting edge
Ken Wyatt and Anthony Bacon at the launch . Image : Feros Care
A centre devoted to researching and promoting the latest aged-care technologies promises to change the way healthcare is delivered .
Anthony Bacon interviewed by Dallas Bastian
An Australian aged-care provider has set up a technology hub where staff and residents can play with and test out new devices and systems .
The Feros Care hub , called the Experience Centre , was officially opened on Monday 30 January 2017 by minister for aged care Ken Wyatt , who said the government welcomed the investment and promotion of innovation and technology in aged care .
Feros Care chief executive Jennene Buckley said the technology revolution was at our doorstep , and it was critical for health and aged-care organisations to build a significant capability in delivering digital service models to remain relevant to current and future consumers .
Buckley said : “ Gone are the days when technology and aged care were at opposite ends of the spectrum . Today , we can provide so many more options of care by including technology and digital solutions into both residential and home care .”
The Experience Centre includes a research laboratory where new technologies will be tested and piloted by consumers ; a plugand-play centre where clients and health professionals can look , touch and find out how the equipment works ; and a knowledge centre for face-to-face and online staff workshops .
It also supports a virtual care team , with Feros ’ s clinical staff remotely monitoring and supporting high-risk clients with chronic conditions .
Aged Care Insite sits down with Anthony Bacon , Lifelink operations manager with Feros Care , to find out more about the hub .
ACI : Why did Feros Care decide to set up the Experience Centre ? AB : Feros has been deploying technology to clients since 2009 . We ’ re a massive believer in supporting clients with evolving technologies to support them in their care . We originally started in the world of telehealth and telecare , which is about measuring clients ’ vital signs and supporting them with video conferencing and then also with the emergency response systems . But over the last two years we ’ ve developed that product line to also work with all the smart technologies that are now available . We ’ ve developed out Smart
Home suite , as well as using wearable technology to support clients in the community , and we will continue to review all products that are coming to the market to ensure that we ’ re offering our clients the best solutions being invented at this point in time .
What are some of the technologies currently on display or being tested by staff and consumers ? Some of the new products that are coming to market would be things like Lumo , which is a very inexpensive device that is magnetic . It just clips onto someone ’ s clothing . It ’ s essentially a posture pendant and so , if a client had had a fall , traditionally , they ’ ll watch their feet for a couple days because they ’ re concerned about falling again . This particular device , for about $ 60 – 70 or thereabouts , just magnetically clips onto their clothing , when they ’ re sitting or standing in good posture , and if they then start to watch their feet for longer than 15 seconds , it would just give them a slight vibration to remind them to stand up straight . Again , this will reduce the chance of them falling for a second time . Something like that is very inexpensive but it ’ s a great solution to try to encourage people to hold good posture , because watching their feet will move their centre of gravity which will increase their chance of falling by over 70 per cent .
Wise Wear is another new product that we ’ re hoping to bring to the market shortly . This is an 18 karat gold-plated bracelet . It is Bluetooth-paired through a smartphone . So the client would need to have a smartphone . So those who are engaged in having a newer phone would be able to use this solution . This can be used out in the community anywhere . If a client was feeling unsafe , unwell , or had fallen over , they can tap their bracelet three times . It will record anything they say for the next 30 seconds and then send that wav file to their loved ones in their app along with their GPS location so their family can give them a call and then send for emergency assistance if they ’ re out in the community .
So these are just two small examples of some of the new technologies that we ’ ll be able to support our clients with apart from the normal emergency alarms that we install in clients ’ homes , as well as our telehealth solutions .
We also have a passive monitoring solution that we can install in clients ’ homes . And this is to support clients who no longer want to wear a pendant . It ’ s just simple little sensors that we can install in each room , and it monitors the movement throughout the house , and all of a sudden , if the movement was to stop , we would get an alert in a text message as well as the family to say that there was a possible fall in the home and exactly what room it was in . We can dial back into the alarm and check if the client ’ s okay just by talking
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