As an ever-increasing number of nurses embrace social media , they should not forget that the nature and content of their posts must not breach the professionalism expected of them .
A recent Canadian nurses ’ disciplinary tribunal hearing investigated the online social media conduct of a nurse ( CS ). She initially posted negative comments on her Facebook page about the standard of care her grandfather was receiving . In doing so she named the health facility . Further , from her Facebook page it was clear CS was a member of the nursing profession . CS was found guilty of professional misconduct . While the judgement originates from overseas , it has direct relevance to Australia .
CS had a grandfather who was being cared for in a nursing home some three and a half hours from where she lived . CS did not work in her grandfather`s nursing home facility . Due to the distance and time taken to visit , her visitations were infrequent and spasmodic . In any event , CS was critical of the standard and level
A frustrated nurse posts on social media about a matter unrelated to her workplace and is found guilty of misconduct .
By Scott Trueman of care being provided to her relative . She posted , among other things , the following three posts on Facebook :
“ It is evident that Not Everyone is “ up to speed ” on how to approach end of life care … Or how to help maintain an Ageing Senior ’ s Dignity ( among other things !) So … I challenge the people involved in decision making with that facility , to please get All Your Staff a refresher on this topic AND More . [ To ] those who made last years less than desirable , Please Do Better Next Time ! [ And ] a caution to anyone that has loved ones at the facility mentioned above : keep an eye on things and report anything you Do Not Like ! That ’ s the only way to get some things to change .”
“ And this has been an ongoing struggle with the often subpar care given to [ named patient ] ( especially ) for many years now … Hence my effort to bring more public attention to it ( As not much else seems to be working ). As an RN and avid health care advocate myself , I just HAVE to speak up ! Whatever reasons / excuses people give for not giving quality care , I Do Not Care . It . Just . Needs . To . Be . Fixed . And NOW !”
“ Do you actually care about the people you WORK FOR / Care For ? Or is it JUST A JOB , WITH A PAYCHEQUE ? … If so , maybe it ’ s time to take a step back . Either way I just want [ named facility ] ( and everyone else in that facility ) to be treated well , ALWAYS !”
When the posts came to the attention of management , they made a written complaint to the relevant nurses` board , stating :
“ Despite [ CS`s ] concerns regard ( sic ) , we find it unprofessional in that it specifically names our facility and location on page one then she identifies herself as a RN on page three . With previous [ Nursing Board ] instructions and caution warnings to all members about appropriate use of social media , we find her posting inappropriate . Our staff are very upset about the public posting as there were many factors involved in caring for [ named patient ], especially , of which [ CS ] is unaware . Regardless of this fact there are proper channels to air grievances and concerns which do NOT include Facebook . Even nursing registration exam questions address use of social media by registered nurses . To us , a letter from her to our facility staff would have been a professional avenue to follow not Facebook .”
The tribunal found two aggravating issues concerning CS`s behaviour / position . The first was via her Twitter account ,
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