• A textured and lengthened pull tab for easier grip
• Optimised seal to reduce opening force
• Decagon shape for easier grip
• Clear instructions for opening
• Extra-large font for improved legibility
• Developed and rigorously tested to deliver a product suitable for Texture C diets
Empower your patients with quality nutrition
Hard-to-open food packaging is not uncommon , especially in facilities which cater to elderly people with fine motor skill difficulties . This can represent a source of frustration for patients and a barrier to nutrition .
The number of people in Australia aged 65 and over has more than tripled over the last fifty years , rising to 3.4 million in 2014 1 ( over 14 % of the population ). The most commonly reported condition + affecting half of all people aged 65 and over 2 is arthritis .
Over the next several decades , population ageing is projected to have significant implications for Australia ’ s economic , infrastructure , social and health needs .
Unless facilities are adequately staffed , this burden will also fall to the staff who manage the hospitals , retirement homes , and aged care facilities .
In an effort to overcome these barriers and empower patients , SPC has worked with a range of health care professionals to develop the SPC ProVital fruit cup range which features accessible , easy to open packaging . The new ProVital fruit cup is made from 100 % Australian grown fruit and gives patients the choice to access the nutrition they deserve independently and with dignity .
Professor David Hunter , arthritis expert and Head of the Rheumatology Department , Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney : “ The impact of musculoskeletal diseases like osteoarthritis pose a huge health burden to Australian society , second only to mental health .
“ Osteoarthritis of the hand is particularly common . Most of us take for granted the daily activities we use our hands for – tying our shoelaces , opening our food or using a knife or fork . To someone who suffers arthritis , these seemingly simple tasks can be incredibly difficult and painful .
“ In a hospital or an aged-care facility , every meal should be an opportunity for patients to consume maximum nutrition . Encouraging new food delivery and packaging innovations is definitely a step in the right direction .”
Yarie is an osteoarthritis sufferer and a patient at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney . “ I ’ ve had osteoarthritis now for 14 years . It affects both my hands and knees . The pain is cruel and unrelenting but one has to learn to live with it .”
I was pleasantly surprised when I was asked to try the new SPC ProVital fruit cup with a larger tab . It ’ s so simple but so helpful - it ’ s easier to grip and much easier to open .”
“ It ’ s a step forward that the SPC ProVital team has taken time to study that some people might struggle with opening certain food products and came up with such a simple easy to use idea . I hope to see similar products become available in the future .” ■
For more information on how your aged care facility can provide quality and accessible nutrition for your patients , visit http :// spcardmona . com . au / healthy-brands / provital
SPC ProVital is a registered trade mark of SPC Ardmona
References : 1 . Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015 ( http :// www . aihw . gov . au / ageing /) Accessed 27 April 2016 2 . AIHW 2014 . Australia ’ s health 2014 . Australia ’ s health no . 14 . Cat . no . AUS 178 . Canberra : AIHW .
About SPC : SPC Ardmona has been committed to bringing premium packed fruit and vegetables to Australians for nearly 100 years . The company ’ s iconic food brands , Ardmona ®, GOULBURN VALLEY ®, IXL ®, SPC ® and TAYLOR ’ S ® are strong performers in their product categories and are further developed and supported by continued investments in both marketing and product innovations . SPC Ardmona is owned by Australian-listed company Coca-Cola Amatil .
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