Aged Care Insite Issue 138 Aug-Sep 2023 | Page 22

specialty focus
Buandig woman Leanne Williams led a tour of the garden .

‘ Rich and vibrant history ’

‘ Gardening transcends age and background ’: ECH ’ s bush tucker garden
By Elise Hartevelt

A leading retirement living and home care provider is fostering cultural knowledge and emphasising the health benefits of native plants through a new bush tucker garden .

During National Reconciliation Week , ECH officially opened the garden to residents living at Modbury Retirement Villages Encore apartments in South Australia .
Buandig woman Leanne Williams led a tour of the garden ’ s edible native flora and bush foods , followed by an indigenous-inspired afternoon tea for the 50 attending ECH residents .
“ It ’ s about the Elders and older people ,” ECH chief Claire Scapinello told Aged Care Insite .
“ The bush tucker garden is a sensory journey , offering a glimpse into the rich and vibrant history of Aboriginal culture .
“ By walking beside Aboriginal people , we honour their traditions , learn from their wisdom , and build a stronger , more harmonious society .”
Australia has over 5,000 edible native plants , such as the native finger lime , lemon myrtle , lilly pilly , tucker bush cherry and Warrigal greens .
Bush tucker , or bush food , refers to any edible flowers and plants endemic to Australia traditionally consumed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities .

By walking beside Aboriginal people , we honour their traditions , learn from their wisdom , and build a stronger , more harmonious society
For nearly 60,000 years , Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have used these plants for nutrition and medicinal purposes using various cooking techniques .
Ms Scapinello said the bush tucker garden symbolised ECH ’ s dedication to inclusivity , diversity , and social connections within our community . “ Through the cultivation of native flora , we nourish both our bodies and our understanding of the land ’ s heritage ,” she said .
“ Gardening transcends age and background , bringing people together to celebrate the beauty and significance of native botanicals .” ■
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