Aged Care Insite Issue 135 Feb-Mar 2023 | Page 4

Treasurer Jim Chalmers will announce the federal budget in May . Picture : Gary Ramage / News Corp Australia .

Fund the future

ACCPA asks for changes to funding system .
By Elise Hartevelt

Australia ’ s aged care providers have asked to address workforce and worsening operating losses in the upcoming federal government ’ s budget . Today , the Aged & Community Care Providers Association ( ACCPA ) published a 15-page pre-budget paper , naming workforce and sustainable funding as the sector ’ s main priorities .

“ We need a considered debate on how we fund aged care into the future , including the possibility of consumer co-contributions for those who can afford it ,” ACCPA chief Tom Symondson said .
“ We must protect access for those who can least afford to pay for their care while supporting a sustainable aged care sector .”
Symondson said Labor could resolve the funding pain points by enforcing an indexation boost for all forms of aged care .
In 2021 , the Royal Commission into Aged Care and Quality recommended that funding should be updated every July to match the annual change in Consumer Index Price ( CPI ).
ACCPA estimated that the industry needed indexation from 1 July 2023 to fully cover the CPI , which is currently set at 7.8 per cent .
“ Seven out of ten aged care providers are operating at a loss , and the situation appears to be worsening ,” Symondson said .
“ We must ensure we have a long-term sustainable funding system to improve the lives of all older Australians .”
The peak body pushed for an $ 853 million injection into the Home Care Program to free up the waiting list ahead of the new in-home care program due to launch in July 2024 .
Currently , older Australians are estimated to wait between three to six months before receiving approval for a home care package .
Symondson said the government also needed to confirm additional home care packages past July 2023 .
“ We need to ensure all home care package recipients receive a package

We must ensure we have a longterm sustainable funding system .
at their approved level ahead of the commencement of the new program ,” he said .
ACCPA continued to push for competitive pay for aged care workers and nurses . The peak recommended that the government raise wages for aged care nurses to line up their salaries with public hospitals .
Symondson said Labor should cover the on-costs of the Work Value Case wage increase . The government promised to fund direct aged care workers ’ pay rise , where the first 10 per cent pay rise is expected in July this year and another 5 per cent 12 months later .
“ We are committed to a collaborative approach , working in partnership with the government and the industry to face aged care ’ s challenges ,” Symondson said .
“ Our older people are to be cherished and supported as they age . We want to work to ensure they can live their best lives . It ’ s what they deserve .” ■
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