Aged Care Insite Issue 128 December-January 2022 | Page 23

specialty focus
“ Often providers are doing their best , but they ’ re working with a workforce that ’ s untrained in this area .”
Evidence shows that as people age their appetite typically declines , making higher energy foods more important .
Nailing the nutrition for older Australians is therefore essential , Porter said , to avoid serious complications in later life .
“ If providers are unable to meet residents ’ nutritional needs through their menu , then that individual ’ s nutritional status will decline .
“ That ’ s got all kinds of follow-on implications , such as becoming a falls risk , having an increased risk of getting pressure ulcers , becoming malnourished or losing muscle mass .”
The royal commission highlighted food and diet as critical issues within the aged care industry .
During the final phase of the commission , Porter was one of the research leads for Dietitians Australia , a leading organisation for nutritionists and dietetic professionals .
Having consulted with industry stakeholders , she found that the delivery of food service across the sector was inconsistent .
“ Some places will be producing exemplary food where they ’ re meeting all of the residents ’ nutritional requirements , other food may not be , perhaps , dare I say , restaurant standard ,” she said .
“ Acknowledging it ’ s not just about the money , it ’ s also about having trained and competent , committed staffing across the whole of the home to actually provide that mealtime service that residents need .”
Studies have found that over half of older Australians living in aged care homes are at risk of malnutrition or are malnourished .
An estimated 15 per cent of Australian residents are on texture modified diets . Dr Porter suggests to make every mouthful

If someone asks for something and we can do it , we do it .
count , chefs should opt for high protein ingredients . “ Rather than them filling up on thin broths and soups , we really need , if they are going to have soup , for it to be an energy-dense soup : that it ’ s got meat in it , cream , that ’ s really full of impactful energy and protein ,” she said .
“ It ’ s not just about the food and the food budget . There are certainly other aspects to the care that really mean we ’ re going to deliver all of the nutritional needs that the residents need .”
After leaving the world of upscale dining behind him , Stephan said that he plans to stay in aged care as it makes a genuine impact in people ’ s lives .
“ The quality of food matters at every stage of life , and I like to make people happy with my food ,” he said .
“ I like to think that by creating dishes I am proud of , it shows them just how much I care .” ■


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