Aged Care Insite Issue 124 April-May 2021 | Page 21

clinical focus link between better health outcomes and better-educated health care workers . In Recommendation 19 , the Royal Commission recommended a review of the Aged Care Quality Standards to raise the bar for best-practice continence care . The Foundation is prepared to support this initiative with our best-practice Model of Continence Care ( MoCC ) for residential aged care . The Model is in the final stages of development and mapped against current aged care standards . It will give aged care providers the detailed guidance they need on how to achieve safe , quality and dignified continence care .
In addition to this , the Continence Foundation has a combination of lowcost and free learning modules available for aged care staff and facilities . We also operate the National Continence Helpline ( 1800 33 00 66 ) and Continence Support Now , a website that allows care workers to quickly look up continence care issues and be provided with tips and advice .
We know that depression is a big issue among residential aged care residents . This must be contributing to that as well as an overall loss of dignity . Yes , we know that incontinence is a predictor for depression and anxiety . The relationship between incontinence and mental health is not well understood or acknowledged within wider health and mental health sectors .
Dignity is the cornerstone of the Model of Continence Care the Foundation has developed and can certainly be preserved with good continence care .
What would you say to providers and the government when it comes to incontinence ? The Continence Foundation considers continence care as one of the cornerstones of fundamental care that respects and focuses on a person ’ s essential needs to ensure their physical and psychosocial wellbeing .
Unsafe and poor-quality continence care was one of the top five most complained about issues brought to the attention of the Royal Commission . The Foundation strongly believes continence care and incontinence management needs to be person centred , provide choice and maintain dignity . This is a right of all Australians accessing aged care services and we would like to emphasise this to providers and government .
The Continence Foundation is committed to getting the issue of incontinence care provided with dignity back on the agenda within the reform to take place . The Foundation ’ s proposed National Strategy on Incontinence focuses on four key areas : maximising national awareness , boosting workforce capacity , economic participation and ongoing research . With a National Strategy on Incontinence and the development of best-practice Model of Continence Care for aged care , the Foundation aims to improve continence care for older Australians . ■

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