Aged Care Insite Issue 121 Oct-Nov 2020 | Page 2

Single Quality Framework compliance for the home care sector

FREE home care clinical pharmacy services

FREE inclusions

Ƶ Home Medication Reviews ( HMRs ). Ƶ Medication competency training .
Ƶ Face to face in-services for staff , consumers and family .
Access to industry specific online training modules .
Ƶ Virtual Pharmacist CHRIS system provision . Ƶ The Buddy Book Online for medication staff . Ƶ
The PPASS-3 Tool ( for benchmarking and compliance ).
Ƶ Medication advisory services e . g . MACs , case conferences , medication policy and clinical interventions .

Why are clinical pharmacy services for home care so important ?

Supports compliance with the Single Quality Framework .
Streamline home care and residential clinical pharmacy services .
Positive health outcomes and service experience for the consumer .
... and it ’ s absolutely FREE for the provider and consumer !

choiceagedcare . com . au michael @ choiceagedcare . com . au | 1300 275 908