Aged Care Insite Issue 119 Jun-Jul 2020 | Page 9

news Hope to our shores New Alzheimer’s test on its way to Australia. By Conor Burke A new blood test that could help identify Alzheimer’s disease is headed for Australia. Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia, and there are currently 459,000 Australians living with dementia. That number is expected to reach 590,000 by 2028 and over a million by 2058. A new study in Lancet Neurology shows that the test accurately measures one of the proteins – P-tau181 – implicated in Alzheimer’s disease. The protein is one of the markers of the disease along with the plaque caused by the protein amyloid . Until now, discovering these proteins could only be done through expensive PET scans, invasive lumbar punctures, or autopsy. The test is being introduced to Australia by the Australian Dementia Network, which is supported by the University of Melbourne, and in the coming weeks researchers from the Australian Dementia Network and the AIBL study of ageing will be sending blood samples from Australian participants to Sweden as part of further analysis of the accuracy of the new test. “We are working with the Swedish team to introduce the blood test to several sites around Australia with the aim of making it available to the Australian community as soon as possible,” said the University of Melbourne’s Professor Christopher Rowe, director of the Australian Dementia Network. “This will be initially through the Australian Dementia Network’s affiliated memory clinics to collect the information on accuracy and impact on patient care that is needed to obtain approval for widespread use in the Australian community.” The cost of dementia in Australia is enormous. Almost 1.6 million people in Australia are currently involved in the care of someone living with dementia. It is estimated to cost Australia more than $15 billion, and 52 per cent of all aged care residents have been diagnosed with dementia. A successful diagnostic tool would help doctors to diagnose dementia with more certainty and would help provide people with early treatment options. The blood test was developed at the University of Gothenburg, and according to the authors the blood test showed a very good capacity to distinguish Alzheimer’s from other brain diseases, such as frontotemporal dementia and Parkinson’s disease, where the blood level of P-tau181 was entirely normal. “In the future, one very important use of our blood test will be for screening in primary care. We demonstrated this in one of the studies forming part of our article, in which we looked at patients in primary care with concerns about their failing memory,” co-author Professor Kal Blennow said. Colleague Professor Henrik Zetterberg said: “We also think the level of P-tau181 in blood plasma may be a very important marker to show and monitor the efficacy of the new drugs against Alzheimer’s that are currently being developed.” ■ 2 GEN SQL EDITION Have you seen the light! AIM 2 GEN SQL EDITION SOFTWARE Aged Care Financial Management software – a better solution at an affordable price! Call us now on 03 9264 8700 or email [email protected] to book a demonstration ✆ Call sales � Email us �Visit us 03 9264 8700 [email protected] 7