Aged Care Insite Issue 117 | Feb-Mar 2020 | Page 22

industry & reform Keeping the faith Catholic Health chief on valuing our elders. By Conor Burke A t a time when the aged care industry is looking for answers to a number of seemingly unanswerable questions, Pat Garcia looks to the teachings of his faith for guidance. Garcia believes we can look to the example of Jesus and how he treated those less valued by society as a guide to how we approach aged care. At the moment, Garcia says, the elderly are the least valued people in our society. The chief executive of Catholic Health Australia (CHA) since October 2019, Garcia comes to a sector that is in a state of turmoil, but if he seems unfazed by the challenges ahead, we could look to his CV for answers. Garcia has been at the heart of state and federal Labor politics for most of the last decade, including a stint as a senior adviser in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet during the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd era. And most recently as the acting General Secretary of the Australian Labor Party’s NSW branch, steadying the ship in the wake of a cash donation scandal which saw the resignation of his predecessor. The move to CHA – the largest non- government provider grouping of health, 20 community and aged care services in Australia, encompassing 80 hospitals and 83,300 employees across the health and aged care sectors – ticks a lot of boxes for Garcia. “This seems to mix a whole bunch of things that I’m passionate about,” he tells Aged Care Insite. “I’m quite heavily involved in the Church. I was the vice president of the St Vincent de Paul Society. I do go to mass. I went to a Catholic school. I’m still involved in Vinnies now. So, how the Church is going is something that really interests me, but I also believe in the services that governments provide to people. Two of the main ones they provide is aged care and hospital care.” The philosophical principles of social justice can be traced back to early Catholic scholars. They concern the poorest and most vulnerable in society and also the life and dignity of a person, and it is these ideas that guide Garcia’s approach to health policy. “We often talk in Catholic health about the ministry of healing that applies to both aged care and healthcare. Not many people really know what the ministry of healing is. One element is what we call radical inclusion. For Jesus, it meant looking at the most socially excluded person and bringing that person to the centre of his world. In those days, it was groups of people like lepers,” he says. “We also want to bring the most excluded people to the centre of our world. And we look around at the people who are disadvantaged. Often today they are people from regional areas, and so we provide a lot of regional aged care services, where a lot of other organisations might not be willing to do that because it is so unprofitable.” Profit is a topic talked to death in aged care, along with funding, but how do we create an aged care system that cares for shareholders and the elderly at the same time? “The question is whether we believe aged care is a public good, and I believe it is, much like we believe healthcare to be a public good. Now in healthcare, for example, you have a whole bunch of public hospitals and they have to be supplemented by private institutions. In aged care, the funding effectively comes from the public, and it’s done through private organisations mainly,” he says. “But the real questions for us is: Is aged care a priority for the public? Do we really care? Now, I think if you ask people, they would say, ‘Absolutely we care.’ But if you look at the top priorities of the public, in any polling, you’ll find that aged care doesn’t come up as an issue that’s top of mind.” Keeping aged care in the minds of the public will be one of Catholic Health’s top properties under Garcia. He has been