Aged Care Insite Issue 113 | Jun-Jul 2019 | Page 22

practical living Old and inside Ageing prisoners are challenging the system inside and out. By Tracey Johnstone P hil Goulding stopped talking. It was only for a few moments, but the silence was noticeable. Up until then our conversation had been flowing freely. You see, we were talking about the face of ageing prisoners in Australia, and it was quickly evident that there is a lot of sensitivity around the subject. Goulding is the deputy general manager of operations at Melbourne’s Wintringham, a specialist aged care provider for the homeless and disadvantaged. He is a member of a growing cohort of professionals across Australia gradually peeling back the layers to reveal the challenges for ageing prisoners in custody, rehabilitation or on release from prison, and for the corrective and justice healthcare workers managing them. The professionals are focused on people aged 50 or older. In the prison system, they are considered ‘ageing’. Many have entered the system with chronic health issues brought on by drugs, alcohol, poor nutrition, lack of medical care and, for some, after spending much of their life in prison and juvenile detention. All of this escalates age-related illnesses. Matthew Willis, an Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) researcher, says these factors often result in high levels of physical, mental health and cognitive impairment, and higher vulnerability to victimisation within the general prison population. These ageing prisoners fall loosely into four categories: recidivists, first-time older prisoners, inmates growing old in prison due to long sentences, and those who committed a crime as a result of cognitive damage or decline. GOING UP The number of senior prisoners is increasing, and so too is the cost of providing appropriate aged care health support and facilities, which they have a right to access as stipulated under the UN Human Rights Committee in its International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In particular, this states the right of a prisoner to be treated with humanity, dignity and respect while in detention. As of 30 June 2018, there were 5554 prisoners aged 50 years or older (94.3 per cent male and 5.7 per cent female), adding to Australia’s burgeoning prison population. This is an increase of 81.6 per cent between 2001 and 2010, and another increase of 67 per cent from 2010 to 2018. 20 At the same June date, there were 1156 prisoners aged 65 years and over (97.2 per cent male and 2.7 per cent female). Between 2001 and 2010 there was an increase of 128 per cent, and a further increase of 119 per cent during the years to 2018. The ABS, in its Prisoners in Australia Report 2018, noted that 62 per cent of the prisoners aged 65 and over had a “serious offence/charge of sexual assault and related offences”. The increase in numbers isn’t due solely to an ageing Australian population. “Another part of it is some of the changes we have had to sentencing laws and parole laws,” Willis says. Parole is now harder to get, which can result in people staying in prison for longer. There have also been improvements in DNA technology, investigative techniques and information handling, which have all impacted on prosecuting old offences, including sex offences which can carry long sentences. The consequence of the growth in older prisoners is an increase in remand costs due to specialist service delivery and facilities, changes to prison activities and upskilling correction and health services staff to cater for this cohort. In 2013–14 it cost $292 per prisoner per day according to the Report on Government Services 2015. The 1999 AIC report Elderly Inmates: Issues for Australia calculated that cost increases threefold for ageing prisoners. WHO’S IN CHARGE? Currently eight jurisdictions look after prisoner welfare in Australia, each with its own ageing prisoner management approach. UNSW Kirby Institute researcher Dr Natasha Ginnivan suggests it’s time for a national policy approach to deal with accelerated ageing. “Because there isn’t a management plan in place for dementia, cognitive impairment or frailty, or pre-frailty, which is a measure that has been used in population ageing, we don’t know the prevalence of some of the muscular-skeletal and mild cognitive concerns within this population,” she says. “We know that when they get to a certain stage it becomes very expensive to house them when they are frail, notwithstanding the human rights issues around providing appropriate care.” NSW, then Queensland and Victoria, have the greatest number of ageing prisoners. In NSW, a Corrective Services spokesperson reports that most of the state’s older inmates are in mainstream facilities, and their medical or disability concerns are considered, including placement in bottom bunks or ground floor placement. “The infrastructure at some facilities has also been modified with handrails above beds and in bathrooms, easy-to-use taps and ramps in yards,” the spokesperson says. Elderly and frail inmates are located in the Long Bay Aged Care Rehabilitation Unit and the Kevin Waller Unit. Old-age and neuropsychiatrist Dr Sharon Reutens says NSW had speciality psychiatrists and geriatricians, and speciality units to address the problems around dementia in ageing prisoners. Corrections Victoria (CV) developed a framework for 2015–2020 which identifies actions around designing and managing its correction services to meet the needs of its ageing prisoners. Subsequently, CV recently entered a contract with Wintringham. Goulding said: “We’ve been asked to provide advice on older prisoners and assess them for their care needs. It’s a positive step. It’s the first time there is an acknowledgement that there is a gap.” Over the next three years they will look at two prisons to identify aged care needs, including where some prisoners won’t admit their needs as they don’t want to be transferred. “At the end of the project, further planning will be done.”