There’s no place like home
Flexibility and access to the outdoors in
home-like care rate highly in new research.
ged care residents with dementia feel some elements
of care quality are greater in home-like, clustered
accommodation models.
That’s according to recently released research from the
Researchers asked Australian residents in different models of
long-term aged care – the majority of whom were living with
dementia – to rate the quality of the care they receive.
While the amount of the care time provided was rated as similar
between the models of care, study lead Dr Suzanne Dyer from
Flinders University said the residents and family members who
responded rated the flexibility of care routines and being able
to access the outdoors whenever they wanted as better in a
clustered, domestic model of care.
“Changes to the way aged care is provided to better align
with a home-like model of care has the potential to better meet
consumer preferences,” the article’s authors wrote.
Chief executive of HammondCare Dr Stephen Judd said
the home-like model of care, which the provider delivers, is
straightforward. “Let people make themselves at home.
“In your own home you have your own space, live by your own
schedule, are engaged in meal preparation and cooking, and can
go outside when you feel like it,” Judd explained. “With some
creative thinking from aged care providers, people living with
dementia can still enjoy these freedoms.”
Judd said the study is further proof that the clustered, domestic
model is the one consumers want.
Previous research in the INSPIRED study revealed that the
model also delivers better outcomes for a comparable cost.
It found residents of these models were less likely to be
admitted to hospital and present to an emergency department.
They were also 52 per cent less likely to be prescribed a potentially
inappropriate medication.
Its authors said in 2010–11, most residential aged care facilities
in major Australian cities had more than 60 residential places, and
added that the average facility size is growing. By comparison, the
home-like model allows for smaller groups of up to 15 people.
Following its release, Judd said the findings surrounding
both quality of life and cost should make it a “no brainer” for
governments, philanthropists and other aged care investors to
back those models that reflect the evidence. ■
Reaching out gets results
Outreach trial avoids unecessary hospital admissions.
Resident Alexina Clarke, who was cared for by the GOAS team. Photo: Multimedia Sauce
ursing homes in Brisbane North
have opened their doors to a
medical outreach service to
reduce unnecessary hospital admissions –
and the numbers are in.
The Geriatric Outreach Assessment
Service (GOAS) was trialled over 12 months
in 24 residential aged care facilities across
The Prince Charles Hospital catchment.
An internal evaluation of the service
showed the team delivered 960 episodes
of care (an average of four per day), of
which two-thirds were considered to have
potentially prevented ED presentations.
Michele Smith, executive manager for
aged and community care at Brisbane
North PHN, said the hospital treatment
averted by GOAS would have cost the
Queensland Government anywhere from
$3.5 to $4.3m.
“By comparison, our pilot project cost
$746,000, inclusive of set-up expenses, and
we expect GOAS will cost just $464,000 per
year to run on an ongoing basis,” Smith said.
Surveys with consumers showed that
almost all (98 per cent) would be likely
to recommend the service to others,
while all providers who responded and
87 per cent of GPs said the same thing.
The GOAS team also provided over
400 training sessions to upskill the
more than 3,000 aged care staff at the
participating facilities.
Dr Elizabeth Whiting, Metro North
HHS executive director of clinical
services, said surveys showed most
aged care workers felt more confident in
managing an acutely unwell resident.
Smith said: “Our evaluation confirms
GOAS provides responsive, high quality
and person-centred medical care at the
right time and in the right place.”
The team recommended the service
be expanded across all hospitals in
Brisbane North.
Australian Government funding from
the PHN covered approximately two-
thirds of project costs, with the Metro
North HHS providing the balance.
While Whiting said more time is
needed to assess the long-term effects
of GOAS on acute care, she added
Metro North HHS will continue to
offer it as part of its Residential Aged
Care Assessment and Referral (RADAR)
Service. ■