Aged Care Insite Issue 109 | Oct-Nov 2018 | Page 30

clinical focus Personal perceptions count What is dry mouth? Why dry mouth in the elderly is hard to identify, but can’t be ignored. Jo Purssey I n Australia, our population is ageing. In order to support our overall health, this means we need our teeth and mouth to remain healthy for much longer. There are many oral health issues that can particularly impact the aged and elderly population. Some are obvious – like tooth decay, tooth loss or gum disease – while others can be much more difficult to identify and therefore treat. One example of a condition that is hard to identify is ‘dry mouth’. While the name might give the impression that this condition is merely an inconvenience, it can, in fact, have very serious health consequences. 28 Xerostomia is the professional term for dry mouth. As a condition, it has been defined as a personal perception of dry mouth. Salivary Gland Hypofunction (SGH) is a physiological condition where there is a reduction in the quality or quantity of salivary flow. Xerostomia may or may not be accompanied by SGH. Low saliva flow is most commonly caused by inadequate hydration, although other factors can also play a part. These can include the side-effects of certain medications or damage to the salivary glands by disease, or treatments like radiation therapies. Complex medical conditions, compromised health and the simultaneous use of multiple medications are common among the elderly. This makes them highly susceptible to the risk factors and consequences related to dry mouth. Why is saliva so important? Saliva plays an important role in protecting and lubricating the mouth, and assists us with eating, chewing, swallowing, taste and digestion. It also has many other significant purposes, including: • assisting with speech • m  anaging acid levels in the mouth • protecting against bacterial and fungal infections • protecting tooth enamel • transporting nutrients, enzymes and minerals. Conversely, a lack of adequate saliva can contribute to negative outcomes. These can vary from mild conditions, through to more serious complications. Some examples of these issues are: • bad breath • oral soft tissue soreness • burning mouth • altered taste • dental decay • gum disease • oral infections such as thrush • difficulty retaining dentures, and soft tissue infections occurring under dentures • bacterial disease resulting from complex restorative surgery. In many cases the symptoms of dry mouth are alleviated by drinking sweetened and acidic drinks, sucking on lozenges or eating lollies – all of which contribute to dental decay. With a reduction in the protective factors provided by saliva, and an increase in risk factors like sugar, acids and poor oral