Age of Superheroes | Page 2

movie created a 125ft leap of faith without CGI

If there’s any one image that sums up Assassin’s Creed, it’s the leap of faith. In the games, getting the lay of the land usually required some deft parkour up a historical monument, followed by a quick perch on a convenient piece of lumber at the summit. Getting back down from that post? You could slowly work your way down a building, or you could instead hope that the wagon full of hay beneath you is made up of stern-like stern-like stuff.

Close your eyes, have faith and just…leap. It truly is a signature gameplay mechanic in Assassin’s Creed games, and the upcoming film adaptation wouldn’t have been complete without some daredevil stuntman risking his neck for Michael Fassbender. Fortunately, Damien Walters was that very stuntman, as he pulled off a signature leap of faith that was pure skill and good old-fashioned wirework.