Aftermarket Moto Design 295 February 2023 AMD295 Feb 2023 | Page 6

Dates / venues subject to change or cancellation . (*) Some dates provisional . " Check before you buy "



Parts & Labor Custom Motorcycle Expo San Diego , CA , US • Jan 13 www . biltwellinc . com
Motor Bike Expo ( MBE ) Verona , IT • Jan 19-21 www . motorbikeexpo . it
Colorado Motorcycle Expo Denver , CO , US • Jan 27-28 coloradomotorcycleexpo . com
MP Motorcycle Show Helsinki , FI • Feb 2-4 mp . messukeskus . com
Garage Brewed Cincinnati , OH , US • Feb 3 www . garagebrewed . com
AIMExpo Las Vegas , NV , US • Feb 6-8 www . aimexpousa . com
Motorbeurs Utrecht , NL • Feb 22-25 www . motorbeursutrecht . nl
Mama Tried Milwaukee , WI , US • Feb 24-25 www . mamatriedshow . com
Motosalon Brno , CZ • Feb 29-Mar 2 www . bvv . cz / motosalon
Motorräder Dortmund Dortmund , DE • Feb 29-Mar 3 www . zweiradmessen . de
Moto Festival Bern , CH • Feb 29-Mar 3 www . motofestival . ch
Mecanic Show Pecquencourt Pecquencourt , FR • Mar www . mc-pecquencourt . fr
Daytona Bike Week ( 83 ) Florida , US • Mar 1-10 www . officialbikeweek . com
The Prowl Bizbee , AZ , US • Mar 16
Tokyo Motorcycle Show Tokyo , JP • Mar 22-24 www . motorcycleshow . org
Donnie Smith Invitational Bike Show St . Paul , MN , US • Mar 23-24 www . donniesmithbikeshow . com
Arizona Bike Week Scottsdale , AZ , US • Apr 3-7 www . azbikeweek . com
Biltwell 100 Desert Race Ridgecrest , CA , US • Apr 6 www . biltwell100 . com
Tallahassee Bike Fest Tallahassee , FL , US • Apr 11-14 www . tallybikefest . com
Handbuilt Austin , TX , US • Apr 12-14 www . revivalcycles . com
The One Show Portland , OR , US • Apr 19-21 www . the1moto . com
Feria de las 2 Ruedas Medellin , CO • May 2-5 www . feria2ruedas . com
Biker Fest International ( 38th ) Lignano Sabbiadoro , IT • May 9-12 www . bikerfest . it
<<< Continued from cover inspirational machine that makes any surface a road . And that was it ! Nothing about those returning models , as such , and therefore no insight into any that have been dropped , and , most unusually , nothing about there even being new paint , accessories ( or G & A ) options for them . This edition of AMD went to press some ten days before the planned reveal , so we can ' t be sure what they are driving at , but , reassuringly , Harley did remind us that its brand " stands for the timeless pursuit of adventure and freedom for the soul " and that potential buyers could go to the website to learn more . Good then ! That was the wording of Harley ' s
release , suggesting that if there are any new model announcements , they may well be in a new category . That said , the most widely expected ' newbie ' for MY2024 would have been an additional , lower displacement ' Pan America ' ADV model on the modular ' Revolution
AMA Pro Racing , in collaboration with Øuterkind and the City of Sturgis , has announced a major new event on the 2024 Progressive American Flat Track schedule : the inaugural Spirit of Sturgis TT . This " spectacle of motorcycle sport " is scheduled for August 11 , 2024 , coinciding with the final Sunday of the 84th Annual City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally - continuing a legacy of motorcycle racing for the city that dates back to 1938 . " The history and the legacy of the City of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally started with racing ," said Mark Carstensen , mayor of the City of Sturgis . " To host this event , Sturgis is building the bridge to the future ." The Spirit of Sturgis TT is a culmination of the collaborative effort to combine the rich heritage and tradition of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally with American Flat Track ' s 70 + years of national championship racing to create a modern-day racing spectacle for fans . This groundbreaking event is taking place in the vibrant heart of downtown
Max ' platform . Despite the ' hoop-la ' that BMW has successfully managed to create surrounding its heavily updated 1300 cc GS adventuring touring iteration , mid-displacements are where buyers are focused currently - especially in international markets . As far as the existing categories are concerned , Harley ' s release was light on tech detail - in fact , there wasn ' t any - and even more surprisingly , shorter on the usual hyperbole . However , AMD is led to believe that the MY24 V2.0 announcement should see some Trike news and the start of migration of Harley ' s VVT tech to the Touring lineup with new Street Glide and Road models - albeit on the 117 " platform . There will likely be eight existing
Softail models continued for all markets , plus the existing Sport Glide for " international " markets . The Sportster S and Nightster options are continued . Some kind of new race style model is also speculated , but sans-VVT ( which is odd if true ). All things considered , it doesn ' t look
Sturgis and will feature " an innovative mix of street and dirt sections and free for the public to attend ." Gene Crouch , CEO of AMA Pro Racing , states : " The Spirit of Sturgis TT is not just a race ; it ' s a tribute to the enduring legacy of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally , blending tradition with innovation . Racing through the storied streets of Sturgis promises a spectacular new chapter in the city ' s rich history in motorcycle racing , while offering an unparalleled experience for fans and competitors . " The inaugural Spirit of Sturgis TT race like the market is about to be treated to the kind of MY2024 that is needed . That was the wording of Harley ' s release , suggesting that if there are any new model announcements , they may well be in a new category . That said , the most widely expected ' newbie ' for MY2024 would have been an additional , lower displacement ' Pan America ' ADV model on the modular ' Revolution Max ' platform . Despite the ' hoop-la ' that BMW has successfully managed to create surrounding its heavily updated 1300 cc GS adventuring touring iteration , mid-displacements are where buyers are focused currently - especially in international markets . As far as the existing categories are concerned , Harley ' s release was light on tech detail - in fact , there wasn ' t any ; and even more surprisingly , shorter on the hyperbole than usual , simply stating a bunch of the blindingly obvious .º

AFT to Hit the Streets of Sturgis

is an embodiment of our agency ' s commitment to delivering an exceptional motorsports experience within the world ' s most iconic motorcycle rally ," says Ben Keane , Partner in Denver , Colorado based Øuterkind . The 0.5-mile circuit will include legendary Main Street and each race will start and finish at the iconic Harley-Davidson Rally Point . The event will also feature the debut of the AFT AdventureTrackers class . This new category will introduce the latest production-based Adventure bikes , providing the motorcycle industry with an opportunity to showcase the rapidly growing segment .