Hogtunes 225W Road Glide Speaker / Amplifier Kit with REMIT Technology
This new 225W Hogtunes speaker / amplifier kit for Road Glide models ships with all the needed plug and play wiring and Road Glide-specific amplifier mounting plate for an easy-install OE replacement and upgrade . While not compatible on CVO models with factory amplifiers installed , the complete Road Glide kit
' 95 % plus FM reception "
includes 5 x 7 " XL Series front speakers that install with the supplied metal mesh grills or can use the factory grill cloth . The amplifier features REMIT circuitry (" Reduced Electro Magnetic Interference Technology ") for excellent FM reception from a Class D amp . All Hogtunes circuit boards are made of a product called " FR-4 ", which is the same material used in F- 14 fighter jets . Typical amps have multiple " traces " that run beside each other and " carry " Electro Magnetic Interference ( EMI ). Amps with REMIT have traces that intersect at VERY specific angles , which radically reduces EMI . Moving a single trace on any of the four layers of circuit board as little as 2 mm can bring back all the FM interference . " This was a massive undertaking by our engineering team and is why REMIT took five years to perfect . There
The Don Juan Love Affair
are many tiny ' surface mount ' parts robotically placed on the circuit board . Having certain parts placed on specific ' axis ' also reduces EMI . " When mounted on top of a radio inside a fairing , traditional Class D amps can reduce FM by as much as 90 %. Amplifiers with REMIT typically yield 95 % ( or higher ) FM reception . When you consider our amps are easy on bikes ' charging systems , produce little heat , are small AND give excellent FM reception , REMIT amps could be the perfect amplifier solution for
3D Don Juan motorcycles . REMIT circuitry can only be found on amplifiers made by Hogtunes , Wild Boar Audio and Metrix Audio ."
DRAG SPECIALTIES Janesville , Wisconsin , USA Tel : 608 758 1111 drag @ dragspecialties . com www . dragspecialties . com www . hogtunes . com
It ' s not often that product designs , especially wheels , stay in demand for more than a decade . It does happen , of course . There are those ' timeless ' designs that become custom staples , that almost become a foundational product line , but when a new product comes to market , even one that is destined to be a success , it is never a ' given ' that demand will sustain for that long . Especially in times that have seen such change in taste and demand , and vendor ' churn ', of the kind that we have witnessed since 2007 . The trick is to not be afraid to allow the design of a top-seller to evolve with tastes and to listen to your customers . One design that has stood the test of time is Metalsport ' s ' Don Juan ' wheel , and it has done so because it is a case study in exactly that - design evolution and a customer-centric feel for the demand that is being seen . When Metalsport opened its doors in the latter part of 2007 , the designers immediately produced more than twelve designs in the 3D format , including the 3D Don Juan . This design remained an unchanged favorite with riders for the next five years until 2013 , when its designers ' tweaked ' it by adding a bend / curve to the spokes . Both the 3D Don Juan and the 3D Don Juan Torque maintained their popularity , but Metalsport says that it was asked many times why it didn ' t offer these styles in the 2D format . In 2016 , Metalsport debuted the Don Juan and Don Juan Torque in the 2D format . " Since 2007 , these designs have been considered one
Don Juan Torque
3D Don Juan 10
of our most popular designs . Along with our Corleone , Impression and the Whip , they have been a design portfolio staple for us ," says MSI sales manager Lizette Hotinger . Fast forward to late 2019 , and Metalsport ' s designers decided to tweak the Don Juan family once again by adding more spokes to the Don Juan Torque and crossing the spokes . Like all the best families , the Don Juan has gone forth and multiplied . In January 2020 , two more styles were added - the 3D Don Juan 10 and the 3D Don Juan Crossblade - and the family was now starting to look more like a tribe . These designs are available in over 30 sizes in the 2D format and over 20 sizes in 3D format - from the 16 "
Don Juan
3D Don Juan Crossblade
to the 34 " size . Going into 2024 , Metalsport Wheels offer 25 designs in 2D and 33 designs in the 3D format . " With 15 years of continual evolution locked into its genes , including design collaborations with designers and custom builders such as Chip Foose , Shannon Davidson and Paul Yaffe , dealers and their customers can expect more exciting Don Juan designs to be making their debut soon .
METALSPORT WHEELS South Gate , California , USA Tel : 562 776 9594 info @ metalsportwheels . com www . metalsportwheels . com
3D Don Juan Torque