Who Wants a Unique Place in Motorcycle Performance History ?
Denis ' BUB ' Mannings ' obsession with holding the world ' s fastest motorcycle bragging rights is the stuff of legend , and continues to this day . At the time of writing this piece , he and his BUB-7 Motorcycle streamliner team are making ready for another serious ( very serious ) attempt on the world motorcycle land speed record and this is your opportunity to help make the dream happen …
The name Denis Manning needs little introduction to long-term readers of AMD - either because of his former Grass Valley , California ' BUB ' exhaust manufacturing business , or because of his life-long addiction to setting motorcycle World Land Speed records at the Bonneville Salt Flats and elsewhere . Indeed , so bad did Denis have " Salt Fever " that he even started his own event , the FIM recognized Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials in 2004 - then and still the only motorcycle specific speed trials for his fellow tribe of LSR
" one-piece Monocoque chassis "
addicts , and now recognized by AMA as a Grand National Event . The popularity of motorcycle land speed racing has exploded as a result of the event that Denis started 18 years ago . It has created a worldwide community of motorcycle riders and fabricators who are passionate about the sport . They come together every year to test their machines , and their skills on the Bonneville Salt Flats . Weather and salt conditions permitting , the 2023 Speed Trials are slated for Bonneville from August 26-
Denis " Bub " Manning
The 2009 world record team : 367.382 mph
31 with Trevor Richter as pilot . There are many things that drive such undertakings - great design and engineering , of course ; courage and nerves of steel , for sure ; but also , that age old lubricant that has always smoothed the path to all forms of racing success , and that of course is MONEY ! And that is where you may come in ! Denis has asked for help ( help that , I might add , we are delighted to try to provide ) in spreading the word that there is what could turn out to be one of the all-time most powerful sponsorship opportunities available . If you would like to be that sponsor , to help make the plans
" Drag Coefficient of 0.08 "
to recapture the world motorcycle land speed record a reality , and have your brand indelibly associated with sporting excellence for all time , then Denis and his dedicated , hard-working team would love to hear from you . Everyone realizes that there is no such thing as a ' Magic Money Tree ', and we live in straightened times where marketing budgets are concerned - mind you , haven ' t we always ! However , the key word in this proposition to recapture the world motorcycle land speed record . Mr Manning has compelling form where such derring-do is concerned . Unprecedented , unparalleled form . This is far from his first rodeo , and if anyone can put together a project that stands a fighting chance of overturning the odds then surely his knowledge , his experience , his " been there and worn the T-shirt to shreds " www . AMDchampionship . com AFTERMARKET MOTO DESIGN - JULY 2023 31